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Sorry if I get any of this info incorrect. If I do, please comment and tell me do I can fix it.
"It's all your fault, Heather."
"Why did you do that, Heather?"
"Help me Heather!"
"It's your fault!"
"Save me!"
Rushing sounds. Accusations. Please. Cries. It's all normal to me.
At least, it has been for the past week. It gets worse and worse everyday. It all happens in my dreams. When I wake up. Coming out of my dreams. But never when I'm fully awake.
It's awful. I can't control it. I can barely remember it. And I can't talk to anyone about it. They'll think I'm insane.
To make my life worse, Fred and I had been deliberately avoiding each other for almost a week- a week after that happened.
I'm scared to talk to anyone. Harry would make a big deal over You-Know-Who and how he might be controlling these hallucinations. Mione would freak out and start researching it. Ron- well, Ron is Ron. God only knows what he'd do. I'm not extremely close with Lee, and not really Ginny, either. That leaves Fred and George. But I can't talk to Fred. And they'd both start joking about it, anyway.
My last option is not the best. Especially since we left off on bad terms last time we spoke. But he's better then nothing. I hope.
I start walking down the stairs to the common room.
Nope. Not doing this. I can't. I think.
In case you haven't guessed already, my last resort was Malfoy. But that'd just give him another thing to hate me for.
I could go to Dumbledore, or McGonagall, or Madame Pomfrey. Or I could just ignore it.
Of course, I chose the latter.
Then I rechose. I decided to tell Dumbledore.
I spoke with him the next day, and he said he had no idea what it was. He then gave me permission to leave the Gryffindor Tower at night to research it. He told me he'd tell so the teachers (but not why) that I was allowed out past the hours.
So, on Tuesday night, I went out, not bothering with the invisibility cloak. But I did take the Marauder's Map, to watch for students.
I snuck to the library and researched hallucinations.
Of course, I didn't find anything.
So I kept going back, night after night, until I had read just about every book about hallucinations in the library. Some twice. Three times. Four time. Heck, 15 times for all I know. All I know was that I didn't find anything about people calling your name and pleading and accusing.
Finally, after days of researching, I decided to go to Madame Pomfrey.
It was a Friday night, and I snuck out of the common room, as I do every night.
As I made my way to the hospital wing, I remembered I forgot the map.
With my luck, I'd run into Malfoy.
But it was worse than him.
I ran -literally- into Snape.
Of all people, I think.
"Ms. Potter. What are you doing out at this time?" He asks in his deadly quiet voice.
"I- I'm," I start.
"I thought so. Twenty points from Gryffinfor and one week of-"
"Wait! I can explain! Professor Dumbledore said I could go to the library at night to research something, but I can't find anything, so I'm going to Madame Pomfrey."
"Well, then. Hurry along. And don't let me catch you again."
I ran past him to the hospital wing.
When I got there, Madame Pomfrey looked surprised.
"Heather! I didn't expect to see you here this late. What brings you here?"
I proceeded to tell her about my hallucinations and my research.
"I couldn't find anything on it," I said gloomily.
"Well, have you ever considered that it may be a muggle disease?"
I was taken aback. "What?"
"Perhaps . . ." She muttered to herself while skimming a book she picked up.
"Aha! Here. Ahem: 'Hypnagogia is the imagery, sounds and strange bodily feelings that are felt at "sleep onset." Strange noises, voices and rushing sounds are typical, as well as weird mechanistic sounds like beeps and boops. Others hear their name called, as if from the next room. Sometimes it's pleading, other times, accusing. This can happen coming out of sleep too, in which case it's called hypnopompic imagery.' This familiar to you?"
I nod. "All of it. Everything."
"Well then. I guess we have our problem. Do we have a solution though?" She mumbled.
"Uh, I came hoping you could tell me that."
"Oh, I'm sorry! I was talking to myself!"
After some searching, she gave me melatonin pills.
I went back to the common room and took a pill. Then another. They can't hurt, can they? I mean, if I take too many, worst case scenario I get sick. Not a big deal.
I fall asleep.
"I have need of you. Come to me."
It was screaming in my head.
Wake up! I wanted to yell at myself.
I knew that voice. But how?
Then it hit me.
I woke with a start.
That was different. This is not Hypnagogia.
It's not a muggle disease.
It's not a wizard disease.
It's not a disease at all.
It's You-Know-Who. Trying to get me.
And I know why. I'm a horcrux.
And he knows I am.

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