Easier Than I Thought

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Apartment hunting honestly took a lot more work than I thought it would.

I didn't really have to worry about finding an apartment back home in Hawaii, at first because I lived on the college campus, but then I just shared a place with Leilani and Fallon. So this was really my first time looking for a place on my own.

I didn't have a clue where to start. There were lots of ads online, but it was hard to tell whether or not those ads were actually legit offers. Then there was the whole problem of not knowing anything about the area, so I didn't have a clue on which areas I should avoid.

After spending more than 3 hours looking online, I finally decided to take a break. I got up from my bed and stretched, walking over to the sliding doors that led to the balcony. As I stepped out into the pleasantly warm air, I closed my eyes, my face tilted up towards the sky.

Considering how close my hotel was to Bondi, I could hear the waves crashing on the beach, and the sound of people talking and laughing as they made their way down to the water.

Suddenly, my eyes shot open. My new coworkers were mostly native Australians, and most of them lived by Bondi, I could ask some of them if they had any ideas of good places to look for an apartment. How could I have not thought of this before!

I went back inside my room and grabbed my phone. I had traded numbers with some of the boys, so I sent off texts to Jesse, Harrison, Maxi, and Deano. I figured one of them had to have an idea of a good place to rent an apartment that wasn't too far from the beach.

I flopped back on my bed, tossing my phone to the side as I waited for a reply from one of them. I didn't have to wait long.

My phone started to buzz, and when I rolled over to look at it, I realized it was Harrison. He was calling me, so I quickly answered. "Hello?"

"Hey Em, it's Harrison!" I grinned at the sound of his voice, I couldn't get over how much I loved his accent.

"Hi, Harrison, I do have caller ID you know, I knew it was you."

I rolled back on to my front and grabbed my laptop, switching my phone to speaker as I put it back down on the bed, Harrison's voice floating out of the phone. "Oh, yeah, I knew that! ANYWAYS, I heard that you're looking for an apartment?"

"Yeah, I am, do you know of any good places nearby, I don't want to move too far away from the beach," I paused as I heard him snort. "What?"

He continued to chuckle but managed to get himself under control. "Well, you see, the person who used to live right across from me just moved, and my landlord hasn't found anyone new to move in yet. My apartment building is literally right next door to Bondi Pavilion, so it's really close to the beach."

I let out an excited yell. "That's awesome! I've been stressing over where to live, and not wanting to move too far away from the beach, it sounds perfect!"

I got online and followed Harrison's instructions, and I soon found the ad listing online. I put an offer down, and sighed happily, closing my laptop. "That is such a huge relief to have at least put an offer in somewhere, thank you so much, Harrison!'

"Not a problem at all Em, let me know if you get the apartment or not okay?" I agreed to keep him updated, and hung up the phone. I saw that I had gotten several text messages from the other boys, and once I looked at them, I laughed.

Jesse, Maxi, and Deano all told me that Harrison had an empty apartment in his building and that I should talk to him. I texted them all back, thanking them and explaining that Harrison had beat them all to it and that I had put an offer down.

I glanced at the time and realized that it was 3 o'clock back home, which meant that Leilani and Fallon should be off work. I opened up my laptop again and dialed them on FaceTime

"Emi, hey! How've you been?" Leilani exclaimed when she saw me. "Fallon, get your butt over here, its Emi!"

I waved as Fallon walked into view and settled herself on the couch next to Lani. "I've been pretty good actually, I already have a job!"

"What?! No way! Where do you work? How did you get a job so fast? What-" Lani abruptly shut up as Fallon slapped a hand over her mouth. 

"So, where do you work Emi?" Fallon asked me, much calmer than Lani, who was sitting there, pouting, with Fallon's hand still over her mouth. 

"Well, it all started when I rescued a little girl from drowning..." I paused as Lani ripped Fallon's hand from her mouth, which was hanging wide open.

"Woah Woah Woah, WAIT!" Lani exclaimed loudly. "You performed a rescue?!" She quickly realized what she had said, and this time she slapped her own hand over her mouth. 

I chuckled softly. "No, don't worry, it's fine Lani, I surprised myself, to be honest." Truth be told, I was touched by her concern for me. "I noticed a young girl drowning, and I didn't notice any lifeguards nearby so I just reacted. I didn't even have a board with me."

Fallon's eyes widened. "You performed an active drowning victim rescue in the ocean WITHOUT a board?? Oh my gosh, that's incredible!" 

"Well, not a full rescue. I was able to get out to the girl and keep her afloat, but then two lifeguards arrived to assist thank god, I was really worried about how I was going to get her back to shore." 

A knowing smirk immediately crossed Lani's face. "Ooh, were they... cute lifeguards?" 

I blushed heavily, and Lani let out a whoop of excitement. "I KNEW IT!! Come on, tell me their names!" Fallon tried to shush her again, but Lani wouldn't let herself be calmed. 

"Well, the first lifeguard to get to us, his name is Jesse, he took Christine, the girl I saved, in to shore, and the second lifeguard's name is Harrison, and he gave me a ride in on his board." I mimicked plugging my ears as Lani let out a high pitched squeal. 

"Pictures Emi, I need pictures!" I pulled my phone out and quickly scrolled through to the photos I had taken of the boys for their contact photos.

I first showed them the photo of Jesse and Lani immediately squealed. I rolled my eyes, my cheeks burning, I was already regretting telling them about the boys. 

As I showed the photo of Harrison to the girls through the laptop screen, both Fallon and Lani let out wolf whistles, and I blushed harder. "Oh my gosh, guys, stop it!"

"So, Emi, Harrison saved you, did he?" Fallon smirked lewdly, and Lani burst into giggles.

I rolled my eyes and tried to hide my blush, to no avail. "Whatever you guys, I'm going to hang up now!!" I waved sarcastically as both the girls yelled bye.

I shut the laptop and collapsed back on my bed. Why in the world was I blushing so hard? I mean, sure Harrison was cute, and yes he did help me back to shore and help me find a possible apartment, but that didn't mean I liked him...

Did it?

Hello all! 269 reads?!?!?! You guys are incredible! Here is the next chapter! I really liked this one, and I hope you guys do too!! So, I have a general outline for the next 10 or so chapters, but none of them are fully written yet. I hope to get a lot writing in over the long weekend, and I promise to have another chapter ready to post by Thursday!!! Votes/comments always inspire me to write more!!!! *wink wink* :) 


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