Unwillingly (One Direction)

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Anna’s POV

Todays a fantastic day. Note of sarcasm there.

I’m sure many girls would be fangirling if they were in my position right now, but me? I’m definitely not fangirling. If it wasn’t for my job I would’ve killed the three people I hated the most, who happens to be sitting opposite to me, right now.

Now, some of you may be confused as to what I’m referring to, or what I’m even talking about, so let me explain to you.

My name is Anna, and I’m a ‘secret’ agent, although really, it’s not really a secret cause a lot of people know I’m a, once again, ‘secret’ agent. Last week, headquarters had given me a mission, and it was to protect the pathetic boy band, something along the lines of One Dimension, One Directed, whatever.

I happily agreed cause it meant I could kick everyone who got in my ways ass without getting in trouble. But that was until I took a look at the files and saw three people whom I never thought I’d see again, heck protect.

I hate the three people so much, and if you’re wondering why, well let me tell you why then.

My parents have always been agents since they were young, and when they had both died in a mission, I had the choice to join the agency or to stay with my auntie, and at that time, I didn’t want to go the agency, a new place full of strangers, but I didn’t want to stay with my auntie as well, because she’s an alcoholic, she’s always drunk and I know for sure I would barely see her.

But after a few days of thinking, I chose to stay with my auntie because I wanted to stay with a familiar face.

Obviously, I had to attend school, and within the first week I got bullied. First the first two weeks, it was only calling names and that, but after that, it just became physical.

I’d be at the hospital at least twice a month, more than the amount of times I’d see my auntie. My auntie didn’t care about me, never came to see me once, except for the times when the hospital had to call a million times until she’d come to sign me out.

A year later, when I got home from another beating, I received a phone call saying my auntie had died from a car crash. She was drink-driving with two of her other friends and then at an intersection point, a bus came and couldn’t stop and they just crashed.

After that incident, it was either the foster home, or the agency, so I chose the agency, and luckily, since that day on I never saw those three people whom I had despised. Until now.

But as soon as I was at the agency, I trained day and night, hoping to follow my parent’s footsteps into being a successful agent, and then now, there’s 18 year old me, youngest yet most successful agent they ever had. 

I have a black belt for martial arts. I literally mastered karate, kickboxing, just mostly everything you can think of pretty much.

Just when I thought my life was going great, headquarters suddenly gives me this case to handle, saying how they need to send the best agent they have to protect this band, since they have been getting notes and text message threatens, and how one would’ve got shot as a warning  if it weren’t for one of their securities, who took the shot in the arm and it currently in hospital, and so yeah, that is why I am currently sitting opposite to three of the people that made my life worse than it was in high school, showing no regrets by smirking at me.

Harry Styles, Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson.

The three people who I unwillingly have to protect.

How I want to just slap that smirk of their faces.

Just watch out, and wait till I show you what I can do.

Let’s see who will be smirking then.

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