Moms back (chapter 5)

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June 25
I wake up and look to my left I almost scream but realize it's David, his eyes closed he looks so peaceful. His hand moves and is on my thigh he smiles and I know he's awake. He pretends he's asleep and curls up in a little ball, he's so cute, I go close to his face and kiss him. I was about to pull away when he grabs my breathe and pulls my body close to his. He kisses me as I play with his hair. We hear a knock on the door I sit up surprised and look at the clock 8:00. I look around and hit David on the shoulder "David there's someone at the door"
He moans "can u answer it" I get up nervous and throw some blankets and a pillow on the ground looking like I slept there and walk up to the dirt fixing my hair slightly. I open the door and see Toby, he runs in and looks down "you slept here last night" I nod and smile
"Hey Toby what you need Davids sleeping"
Toby wines "im hungry and David always makes breakfast"
"He was up late, lets go I can make you breakfast"we walk down and I see there kitchen it's nice, I grab some pans and Ingredients making bacon, pancakes and eggs. His two sisters run down and Toby was very exited. They wow and I serve them, "have as much as your want guys" they squeak in excitement. David  comes down stairs "who's screaming" he looks at the  breakfast "woah did you make this" he smile and comes over to me and comes up to my face very close and grabs a plate behind me. He turns around and grabs everything. I sit down and eat with them.
"So are you two dating or something" on girl says. David starts choking on something. He stands up and goes to the bathroom and Toby runs after him sitting right outside of the door.
"Im Sarah now, do you Liiiikkeeeee my brother or no,"
"Yes I do liiikeeee your brother" they squeal and run around the house. I clean there plates.
David walks in and sits back down grabbing some more food while they run outside Toby runs outside to." What did you say to them" I smile "nothing" he stares at me "Lizaaaaaaaaaa" I sigh "nothing" I laugh and start to run upstairs he follows I crawl up the stares and right when I make it to his room he's there. He smiles grabbing my wrist and pushing me back to the bed I smile out of breath but laughing. He puts on hand on my waist and kisses me rough but sensitive. Halts me down in his bed and I kiss him. We hear a scream outside and not a good one. I run down stairs as David looks out the window he follows with 10 seconds behind me. I make it outside and Sarah is laying on the floor her knee scraped up she tries to get up but fails. Some boys ride by and one jumps off seeing Sarah she looks at me with some look and I realize. Awwww that's her crush David makes it out and I grab his arm dragging him inside shutting the door. "Her crush is out there leave her" he runs to the window "DAVID" he looks sad as he walks to the bathroom he walks out with some band aids I walk out shutting the door so he can't get out. And I walk over. "Here's a bandaid" the boy grabs the bandaid helping her get up and get inside I push David out of the way and tell him to go upstairs. He watched from there "oaky he careful I'm going up stairs" i wink at Sarah and go upstairs. "David get a grip your lucky she even had a chance with a boy, and your lucky she's beautiful" he looks at me confused "I dont have the beautiful part so I never had a boyfriend till one guy."
"Liza your beautiful"
"Yah sure" I get up walking to his room and look at my phone with 100s of more texts
I sigh getting changed into normal clothes putting his sweatshirt back on over. I grab my shoes and slip them on he walks in as I just get both my shoes on. "Where are you going" he said his face confused
"David..." I look down and sigh
"Your going back there aren't you!" His voice raises
"David please..."
"Why do u keep going back to her she may pay for the house or whatever but why why don't you run away or something, why do you keep letting her beat you down,"
"David you don't understand, I pay the rent 2/3 of the time, I have to go"
"Bring some of your stuff here slowly then you will be moved out, does she go on vacation a lot"
"Yes, but David" he grabs my arm and I hold my hand to my chest trying to pull away "David I have to go" he lets me go and sits on his bed putting his hands on his face his thoughts feel like there traveling through the room. I walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek and say "I'll be back " I stand up and walk out of  the room. I look back one last time and he's still frozen in that same position. I sigh and whisper "I am so sorry, I-i" he sniffs and looks up wiping his face as Sarah runs in I stand there and stare at him And walk out. I can here him say "hey Sarah what's up" and Sarah says back "where's Liza, David DAVID WHERE IS LIZA GOING" I can just imagine her shacking him as he looks away. I get outside as we runs to the window her hand slowly seeps down the window and I can see her lips saying " Liza Liza no" tears fall down her cheek she screams my name over and over as I walk and walk and walk until finally I make it to my house realizing I didn't drive. I see her cars gone, this is a sign. I run inside grabbing a bag packing up some important things. I pack another and by the end I hear a car driving up. I run to the window looking out seeing... mom but she's with a guy a tall older man she's holding his hand when they make it under the roof I can no longer see her I grab one small backpack full of photos I step out slowly walking down the roof placing my bag down and listening as I go up again. "My daughters not home wanna go inside for a little bit" my mom says in a seductive voice somehow she always was good at that. She unlocks the door and I can hear them fumble I grab most of the bags stuffing them in my closet leaving some room just in case I through down a blanket phone charger and some other things in there making a fort even if she opening the closet she couldn't see me I had a couple bags on the roof. I waited and listened I ran up to listen to the door  grabbing some food in my mini refrigerator I got from my dad when I was 7 he shipped it to the house. As you can tell he left, he left when I was about 3. Every year he would send a gift some amazing gift, my mom never knew about. I always said something like my friend gave it to me or something stupid like that. I got interrupted by my mom waking up stairs I grab as much food that won't expire any time soon and run to the closet getting inside and shutting the door. Thank god it's a big closet. I had some space I could lay down and I had a little space in the suit cases a little above my body and I put my snacks and water in there. I heard my mom get into my room. All I hear is kissing then I started to hear moaning I put in my headphones and listened to some music no videos or I might laugh. I laid there staring at the picture I painted on my ceiling. I hear a ring I was scared but forgot that I had headphones in so yet couldn't hear it. I sat up and looked at phone
D-hey I'm really really really!!! Sorry how I yelled at you, I didn't mean to it just slipped out, in just so sorry for you
L-David my mom and some guy are having sex in my room RIGHT NOW
L-David u can't
D-and why not
L- first she will get u noticing I'm at the house
L-I may be in the closet
D-please don't tell me---
L-yes in her room
l-I have head phones, and I have some water and food in hear there's some thing that cover me I Have nice blankets it's like a really small dorm... by myself
D-Liza I'm so sorry
L-it's not your fault u can't be sorry
D- still
L-omg I hear something wait DO NOT TEXT ME LIKE NOT EVEN AN OKAY.
L-okay u can text now
D-what happened
L-they left she started texting me a bunch again how I should be home and shit
L-hahaha will u be home
L-okay I'll be there soon.
-end text-
I hear a car zoom away. I stand up getting out and look around I look outside and she's gone. I look at my bed and see a condom on the side table with my sheet heavily messed up. I gag and get some more stuff on the roof. I get outside and unlock my car, I run back upstairs. Throwing bags on the own with non breakable things like clothing. I go downstairs putting it in my back seat it fills half of the car (not including trunk or passenger seat. I run upstairs and grab the rest of my things. PLEASE READ THE NEXT THING IF YOU WANT TO BE IN STORY!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for reading my story, if you want to be in my story comment below your first name and a suggestion of what you want to be in the story. I will put the first three people in the story but don't worry if you are not the first three people to comment you will have other chances of slipping in the story. If you are still reading this comment "LIZA NEVER CUSS" Thank you again!!! I will be trying to post at least a chapter a week I just have lots of homework.

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