Help me let go

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything aside from the plot. Characters are created by the brilliant Shonda Rhimes. Grey's Anatomy --- Japril A/U. Tell me what you think! :)


Chapter One: Help me get over

"I know that this wound will bleed again, now I'm here right beside the one I love. I see he's in love with someone else, now I know I just got to let him go because it's over, help me get over. I don't know what to do. There is no easy way of letting go but I know there's no sense in holding on too much to something fading, help me get over you..."


Jackson was fixing his tie when he saw April's reflection on the mirror; "I chose Tulane" he said.

April paused and turned around to face her best friend; "Good, that's good for you."

Jackson turned around and met her gaze; "Yeah." He then turned away and began walking towards the door, when his about to reach it, he turned towards April again; "I feel sick by the way, sick to leave here-to leave you" he said through gritted teeth. "But I'm glad, I'm glad you're so freaking happy about it." he added bitterly.

April felt her shackles rise upon hearing his statement; "I'm not, I'm not happy with any of it. I'm not happy that everything I thought I was turns out not to be true. I'm not a board certified surgeon, I'm not a virgin, I'm not a good Christian, I don't know what I am but I know I'm not happy" she said with disdain. She then stared at Jackson's guilty demeanor and almost instantly she felt her face soften; "I loved having sex with you, you made me feel things-you changed me Jackson and I loved that. But I hate that I'm not a virgin for the man I'm gonna marry, I'm not freaking happy about that" she said tearfully.

Jackson looked away, guilt ebbing inside his chest.

"-And I'm not really happy that you feel bad about it coz you're my best friend but you know what, Torres is right. My problems will still be my problems, tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and in a few weeks my best friend will be at Tulane and I may never see him again so just for one night, I'm just gonna forget about all that and I'm gonna try, I'm gonna try to be happy. I'm happy tonight, I'm gonna be happy Jackson coz this is a happy time and we should be celebrating, okay? So, can you please just wipe that freaking frown of your face and be happy with me?"

Jackson stared at April for a moment before letting out a small comforting smile; "You look really nice" he said.

April swallowed back her tears as she tries her best to smile back; "So do you"

Jackson walked towards his best friend and offered his arm for her to take.

April smiled at Jackson and looped her arm around his.

Jackson began leading them towards the door as April leaned her head on his shoulder.

End of Flashback


April shot up from her chair and hastily turned towards the door; "What happened? What's wrong?" she asked frantically.

Alex leaned on the door frame and rubbed his eyes tiredly; "The plane arrived an hour ago and they're all being attended to right now" he said.

April's eyes widen; "Is there anything we can do? I mean we can probably assist in-"

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