Every little thing she does is magic

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Chapter Fifteen: Every little thing she does is magic

"Though I've tried before to tell her of the feelings I have for her in my heart. Every time that I come near her, I just lose my nerve as I've done from the start..."

A heaping bowl of hard work + a cup of determination and a dash of luck are the prominent ingredients for the word success. It's not something that can be served on a silver platter nor can be bought by a black AMEX; it's something you put your heart into, something you strive for-the proverbial finish line that everybody wants to reach. So when April Kepner found out that she's finally a board certified surgeon, her heart soared ten feet away from her body and it showed no sign of returning anytime soon. She tugged on her navy blue scrubs top and stared at it in wonder for the nth time today; she has worn the same colour for more than a year already but this is the first time she ever felt that she deserved it.

"Why are you staring at your scrub top like it's has the answer to all your medical woes?"

April's head snapped to the side and saw Alex standing next to his locker; "Hey Alex, morning"

"You haven't answered my question yet" Alex said with narrowed eyes.

"Don't worry about it, it's nothing" April replied while grabbing her lab coat.

Alex leaned sideways on his locker and crossed his arms on top of his chest; "Nothing always constitutes to something--out with it."

April chuckled as she shrugs her lab coat on; "It's really nothing Alex, don't bother yourself with it" she replied. She then plucked her stethoscope from her locker and stuffed it inside her pocket; "You'll be on pit duties with me today, right?"

"I am" Alex replied. He then shifted his stance and smirked; "You don't me want anymore since you're a board certified surgeon now, Kepner?" he teased.

April paused and threw Alex a mortified look; "Of course not! I would never-"

"Take a chill pill Apes, I'm just messing with you" Alex said, cutting his friend's rant off.

"You're an ass!"

Alex laughed; he then pulled away from his perch and began changing into his scrubs. "Be there in 10"

April huffed before walking away.


"Good morning, please sit down" Owen said as he took his place right in front of the wide white board adorned with his colleagues' name. "It's that time of the year again, so we need to sort out the doctor's we're willing to bid for and those that we'll be letting go."

"It's time for the birds to leave their nest" Richard said wistfully.

"The good old days!" Cristina said with a huge smile.

Meredith snorted; "Good old days for you because you get the most outrageous gift baskets-ever"

"Hey-you enjoyed the one with the muffins and cookies!"

"Those were good cookies" Jackson said thoughtfully.

"How come I didn't get the chance to sample those cookies?" Mark asked with a pout.

Derek smirked; "It's because you were too busy growing balls"

"Ooohhhh-his Lexie and Julia debacle?" Arizona piped in.

"Stop talking about my love life like I'm not sitting here" Mark said with a scowl. "Past is past, Lexie and I are engaged now"

Jackson stared at his mentor with amusement before shifting his eyes to Owen; "I think it's time to start now, Chief-we don't want Mark throwing tantrums even before we go through the roster"

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