I'll be okay

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Chapter Seven: I'll be okay

"It's time to let you go, it's time to say goodbye. There's no more excuses. no more tears to cry. There's been so many changes, I was so confused. All along you were the one, all the time I never knew..."

It's true when they say that some good thing never lasts, especially if you happen to work in Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. The time for celebrating the love between Miranda Bailey and Ben Warren didn't last long because right after the couple said their "I do's" Adele Webber passed away. It has been a month since it happened and things are starting to pick up but knowing the hospital's history, the calmness wouldn't last long. It has also been a month since the phenomenal kiss between Jackson and April at the wedding happened and things are almost back to normal, much to the dysfunctional couple's dismay. April partially realized that she still has strong feelings towards his best friend and no matter how hard she tries; she can't seem to get him off her mind and heart. Jackson on the other hand is also trying his best to fight his unlabelled feelings for April, he's abiding by her friend zone rule diligently and for some unknown reason he's succeeding. It's not as if April is making it hard for Jackson or something because she's doing the exact opposite, she's making it like a walk in the park for him and no matter how the Plastic Fellow denies it-it's ruffling his feathers, BIG TIME.

Jackson was sitting on the couch inside the Attendings' Lounge when April saw him; he was sitting on the couch while staring blankly at the cookie tin sitting on top of the table. "Jackson?"

Jackson turned his gaze towards the door and saw April standing between the gaps; "Hey" he greeted.

April stepped inside the room and closed the door behind her; "You okay?"

Jackson stood up from his perch and stuffed his phone inside his lab coat pocket; "Yeah, why?" he asked casually.

April shoved her hands inside her pockets and studied Jackson's face; "You seem like your thousands miles away just a minute ago" she replied.

Jackson plucked the cookie tin on top of the table before throwing April a re-assuring smile; "I just received a call from my Mom, she's coming to town to work on a case at Seattle Pres and she wanted to make sure that I deliver this to Dr. Webber."


"Yeah-err—so I better go and find him" Jackson said.

April nodded; "Sure" she replied.

Jackson walked towards the door and stepped out of the room without a back glance.

April walked towards the couch and plopped down; she and Jackson didn't have the chance to talk much about what happened at the wedding because of what occurred after. She closed her eyes tightly and took a deep breath; "Stay between the boundaries you set yourself Kepner, a kiss is just a kiss-it doesn't have to mean anything, just forget about it" she muttered to herself.


Jackson was walking along the hallway when he spotted Richard standing by the nurses' station; he made a bee line towards the older surgeon and cleared his throat to get his attention.

Richard tore his eyes away from his chart and stared at the man standing right in front of him; "Is there something you need Dr. Avery?" he asked.

Jackson lifted the cookie tin in his hands and extended it towards Richard; "Sir, cookies from my Mom"

Richard shifted his eyes to the cookie tin before staring back at Jackson; "That won't be necessary" he replied politely.

Jackson ignored Richard's response and pulled a piece paper from his pocket; "It actually comes with a message and I'm supposed to read it to you to make sure that you get it" he said. He then opened the paper and began reading it; "Richard I'm in town doing a case at Seattle Pres, left you several messages and wasn't sure if you got them. I just want to make sure you're okay I'm worried about you...Baby" he paused and met Richard's gaze. "To be clear, that was her and not me"

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