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Dear Mr. Steve,

You might be surprised that I am writing you a letter. Trust me, I am surprised myself. I often think about you, to be honest. It was just that, I didn't have the courage to write until today.

First of all, could you please stop parking in front of our apartment after your class? You're creeping out Julianne. She said that she would report you to the police. So before any of that happens, please stop making the building opposite ours your hangout place.

Second, I'm attending New Waulds University this semester. There are so many things I'm not familiar with. I'm still adjusting to everything. I hope that I'll catch up soon.

Third, I'd like to meet my grandfather's lawyer to discuss the inheritance. I want to know more about my grandfather, too. He seemed like a great man. You can also tell me more about him if you want.

Fourth, if I do end up accepting the inheritance, I'm thinking of giving Eric a part of it so that he can use it for his mother. I feel sorry for his situation. When I thought about it, it was not like he wanted all of this to happen. As you know, I care about him a lot, even though he has been a little bit dishonest with me. Oh, sorry about that, my pen did that, not me. Will he take it? Will he? I know that he will argue with me about this, but I have a plan on how to make him accept it. He's not the only one with a plan, you know?

Fifth, there are a million things I want to say to you. It felt sad hating you for a long time. I've heard a lot about what you've been up to for the past year from Zander. He gladly filled me in with the latest news. I hope you don't mind.

I know that things got rough between us, but can we stay this way again? I mean, me being Chelsea and you being Mr. Steve. It will take a while before I get to accept that Eric's somehow involved with my mother's accident. I can't say if I could ever truly forgive him. I'm sorry that I'm finding it hard to do so. I also can't bring myself to face him again. I might miss him more than I should, so I can't see him yet. Please tell him that.

But I do miss you, Mr. Steve, so much. The letters, everything. I miss all of them. Your squirmy way of writing, us sharing our thoughts about things, me telling you how I've been—I think about them all the time. I know I may sound stupid and confused on what I really wanted to do after what happened, because I really am. Still, I hope you'll answer this letter of mine. I've been dreading to hear from you.

Yours truly,


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