The Coffee Shop

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      The night before we met up I tried to decide on my outfit. I also tried to decide my mindset.  Was this just two people, meeting up for coffee, or was this a date?  I honestly did want it to be a date.

     I tore through my closet and drawers, trying to find the perfect outfit. I didn't want something too fancy, or too lazy. I wanted a look that said, 'I'm comfortable, and I excersize, and I don't care what people think about me, but I look good doing it.' (Although I really did care what people thought) 

      I finally settled on mid-shin gray workout leggings, and a somewhat baggy gray-pink Yellowstone sweatshirt, plus a messy bun and a headband. I covered up my few zits the best I could and put on some mascara and left it at that. I looked in the mirror. I have to admit, I was pretty dang smokin' right then.

      I drove down to the coffee shop, and was somewhat surprised to see that it was a Starbucks. I don't know why, but he gave me the feeling of a guy who would get... get like not name brand coffee, not fancy coffee, and basically just have like a coffee is coffee mindset.

Guess not.

But hey, I wasn't complaining. Starbucks is great.

I walked into the shop and wasn't surprised to see him sitting at the table waiting for me, even though I had tried to leave early to be the first person to get there. 

He smiled and looked down at his feet and scratched his head, then walked up to me to greet me. Few words were exchanged when we went to order our coffee.

   "I'll have a grande  caramel apple cider, please." He ordered. I nodded my head in approval of his Starbucks knowledge.

  "And I'll take your venti double chocolate chip Frappuccino" . After I ordered I saw him pull out his card, but I put my hand on his to stop him, as I reached into my purse to grab my debit card, which I then swiped. "My treat."  He held his card between his index finger and his thumb and put his hands up as to surrender, and nodded while looking content.

When we sat down I took a sip of my drink and glanced at his. "Don't you think it's odd that we come here... to a coffee shop... and neither of us get coffee?"  I inquired, curious to hear his response.

   "Hmmm.... that is a little odd.  But Starbucks has made so many different things to enjoy, I guess their non coffee has just outranked their coffee on scale of one to ten, coffee being s seven and non coffee being a nine." He said all of this in a very sophisticated way; but also a way like he was trying to be sarcastic. I thought on that for a second, then moved on. I felt like a complete idiot because I felt like I didn't know what to talk about other than why we were drinking cider and Frappuccinos at a coffee store. "Do you have any pets other than Leo?" His voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Um... nope, just him. What about you, any pets?"

"As a matter of fact, I have a Beagle named Laura and a Parakeet named David."

"Oh. Hm." We sat there awkwardly for about thirty seconds before either one of us talked again.

Suddenly his face lit up, and he snatched his pack off of the ground and started rustling through it. He stopped dead, and looked at me. "Do you want a kiss?" He asked. I thought on this for a moment. I smiled.

"Sure." I leaned forward closing my eyes. This felt right.

I got closer and my lips hit something that wasn't lips; he had pulled a handful of Hershey's kisses out of his backpack, which he proceeded to stick in my face.

I was hot with embarrassment. I eyed the kiss, and slowly took it out of his hand. I stood up, grabbed my jacket, and pushed my chair in.

"I really should be going.i had fun today, though." I stated bluntly. I really didn't know how I felt about how that went.

"Alright, well... we should do this again, Katie. And oh hey, is it ok if I call you Kate?"

I nodded as I answered. "Uh huh.... and um... sure what the heck? I'll be Kate."

"Perfect. Alright, well, see ya Kate!"

"Ya, bye..."


Sorry this chapter sucked so much 😂 it was pretty boring.... but my minds pretty tired right now and dialogue isn't my strongest suit. The next chapter will be better tho!

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