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Hi Guys! This is my first time writing a Fan fiction, I hope you enjoy it. This one probably won't be the best but they will get better overtime. :)

Lilly's POV:
Today I was meeting my best friend Ella and we were going shopping in Westfields. We would always spend the weekends together, we either go to the cinema, shopping or just go round each other's houses and hang out. 

We got to Westfields and we decided to go get some food in Nando's. We sat down at a table for two. After a while of thinking, we both decided what we wanted so I went up to order. Then suddenly, someone crashed into me and made me drop my phone and purse and I looked up and that's when I met him.

"Hi, sorry I didn't see you there. Are you okay?" This handsome stranger said to me.

"Yeah I'm alright, it's okay."  I didn't really know what to say back. I was still quite shook about how good looking he was.

"I'm Mikey by the way." He spoke back to me. He flashed a cheeky smile towards me.

"I'm Lilly."
At this point, Ella ran over and she started talking to Mikey as if she knows him.
"Oh my god, I am such a big fan, I was at the London Show!" Ella basically screamed.

"Oh hahaha you girls are Roadies?" Mikey didn't look very impressed saying this.

"Oh I am, but Lilly isn't. She doesn't like your band's music, she says it's too basic." Ella stated. I went bright red. Why would you say that when a fit boy is standing right in front of us? About his band? I shot dagger eyes to Ella. She automatically knew I was annoyed she said that.

"Oh, are we too basic for you?" Mikey asked, with a slight laugh in his voice.

"Well I only listened to your cover of 'I'm the one' and it wasn't anything special really." I decided just to go with it. I didn't want to seem shy so I just answered back.

He just laughed at me then his phone started ringing.

"You Alright Andy?" Mikey said on the phone.

" I'm in Nando's now waiting for her but she's late again." Mikey replied to whatever Andy said on the other end.

Who is 'her'? Why did a sinking feeling just kick in my belly? It's not like I have feelings for Mikey, I only met him 5 minutes ago.

Shortly after, Mikey was off the phone, Ella had gone back to the table with our drinks and Mikey and I were still talking stood in the same place. A stunning girl, short and skinny, beautiful long blonde hair with blue eyes walked over to us and stopped for a second and stared at me then walked over to Mikey and slammed her lips against his.
This must have last at least 10-15 seconds with me just stood there awkwardly. Mikey pulled away from the kiss, which made me happy. She obviously wanted more.

"Oh sorry, Hi I'm Zoe." She said to me in a mocking tone.
I could already tell that I wasn't going to get along with her.

"This is Lilly, my new friend." Mikey said smiling at me. Friend. That word killed me and I don't know why.

I'm Yours~Mikey CobbanWhere stories live. Discover now