A girl and her friends went to a Why Don't We meet and greet never did they know why don't we would like them keep reading to find out what happens next!!
And you guys should go check out the book only in my dreams in my reading list!!!
That morning I woke feeling a little bit weird.I went downstairs and saw everyone and they all were on there phone or playing with the kids.Jack came up to me and said..."Hey they bed head." I started laughing.We all decided to go eat breakfast. We drove 2 cars because we all couldn't fit in the same car.But anyway while we were driving there I felt the worst feeling in my stomach that I could ever have. I screamed OW! Everyone turned and looked at me.Jack said.."Gracie are you ok?" I said.."Yeah,um I'm fine." ....... We all decided to eat at this restaurant that was fancy.When we got there we ordered and ate.While I was eating I felt a very bad feeling about something.I looked down and though..."Oh no my water broke." I was sitting beside Tia so I turned to her and whispered..."My water just broke." With the worst voice ever.Tia dropped everything and turned to Jack and said..." Jack,Gracie's water just broke!"Jack yelled..."Oh no!" Jonah and Emily hurried and paid and we all ran out the door....well except me! I told Jack I couldn't stand up so he carried me to the car.While we were in the car Jonah decided he would drive and Jack was sitting in the back with me.I didn't know what to do..I was scared and nervous! I turned to Jack and said..."Jack are we almost there."After I said that I felt a terrible pain and moaned. Jack said..."Gracie hang in there we are almost there."I yelled Tia!Leah!! Where are you? They both said right here! I yelled..." Get over here! They said..." Gracie you will be ok." I said..."this is terrible!" They said" Yep it is!
*5 minutes later*
We arrived at the hospital and Jack carried me to the counter. Jack said.."Hurry my girlfriend is in labor." While me and Jack were in the back everyone else was in the waiting room.Meanwhile in the room where me and Jack were I was in labor.Jack said.."Your doing great!"I just moaned in pain.With sweat all over my face I said.."Ugh Jack" he said.."It's ok."
2 hours later
It had already been 2 hours I was tired and sweaty I was ready just to see the babies and I was ready to be done with labor I was just done.While I was in labor Jack said...."Gracie you did it u just delivered triplets."I felt like waving my hands up and down but I was to tired. Jack said.."Gracie are you ok?" I said.."Jack I just delivered triplets in 2 house and Im extremely tired. I decided to let everyone come in the room so I let jack go get everyone.Everyone came In and congratulated me.Tia,Leah,and Emily said.." wow ur a mom now." I said..Wow" After that the doctor came in and said here are your triplets...
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Everyone awwed.... From left to right... Carter,Harper,James. Everyone got to hold the triplets and for the rest of the night I rested....