Chapter 30: Back Home

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That morning I woke up feeling tired.Last night had been rough with Jack checking on me every 10 minuets and the babies crying.I could already tell that motherhood would be hard!While I just woke up I thought about how Jack would be the perfect dad to the cutest babies in the world.After that I heard Jack wake up and saw him fix his luscious curls and stretch and he walked over to me.He said.."Good morning Gracie." I said..."Good morning Jack." After that he asked me if I slept good and needed anything.I said..."No." As we were talking a doctor came in and said the babies were healthy and we could go home.I called Tia,Leah,and Emily and they came and picked us up.As we got in the car I felt nauseous.But it was because I was tried and weak.Me,Leah,Tia,and Emily got cough up with everything that has happened the past few days.While we were talking I heard one of the babies start crying.I could tell that it was Carter because he's the one that cried the most but he stopped crying.We finally got to the house and me and said talked to everyone and hugged him.I felt like posting a pic on Instagram of the babies so I did😂!

I felt like posting a pic on Instagram of the babies so I did😂!

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gracie_smith18:Look how cute they are😍

Liked by: @tia_wilson15,@leah_hillman19,

Carter Luke Avery:Born at 2:47PM/5pounds 5oz,13 in long.
Harper Jane Avery:Born at 3:15Pm/6pound,4oz,16 inches long.
James Robert Avery:Born at 4:47Pm/5pounds,2 oz,11 inches long.

For the rest of the night we held and played with the babies.Around 5 I fed them and put them to bed.After that everyone talked and hung out for the ready of the night.Finally around 10 me and Jack went to bed.

Authors Note:Sorry this chapter isn't long.I didn't know what to write so I wrote stuff about the babies😂.Don't forget to vote! ❤️

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