Chapter 23: Excited

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Jack we are having triplets I said. His mouth dropped open. He pointed to me then to my stomach. No way he said. He smiled as wide as he could. He pulled me in for a kiss. Man we don't do that often he said pulling away. Maybe we should I said. We both laughed. I just can't believe this Jack said. You aren't mad are you I asked. No I'm just so happy he said. He touched my stomach and said are you sure there are triplets in there because you are still really skinny. I'm only a week pregnant Jack I said. Ok that's fine with me Jack said. He snaked his arm around my waist and we walked out of the hospital happy as can be. We got into the car and started talking. How should we tell everybody Jack asked. Well I have a feeling they are going to be very surprised I told him. He laughed yes they will definitely be surprised he said. When should we tell them I asked. Probably not right now Jack said. Ok we can tell them on Christmas maybe I said. That sounds good Jack said. You know I really love you more than you will ever know Jack said. I love you more than you will ever know I told him. We stared into each other's eyes for the longest time. Jack you better pay attention to the road I said. We both laughed. What do you think they will be I asked him. I don't know Jack said. There could be so many different ways that it could go Jack said. I'm so excited and scared I told him. It's ok I will be with you the whole time Jack said. Awwwwww thanks I said. He pulled up at the WDW house and we got out. We walked in the door and everyone greeted us with hugs. Leah and Tia ran toward me to hug me. I hugged them gently. I'm really tired I said. Me too Jacks said. You guys go ahead and get in bed Zach said. Ok night guys I said waking up the stairs. Night everybody said as me and Jack walked up the stairs. Night Jack love you I said kissing his cheek. Night love you he said. We both fell asleep shortly after that.

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