3 - the guys

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Alex's POV

Eliza and I ran all the way home, since we missed the bus. Well, i missed the bus, she could've left without me, but no. Finally we where home. As we where walking up the rocky driveway, we both notice Angelica playing her  guitar for all the kids. So we decided to join her.

We both sat down in the circle we were all in. Angelica noticed us, "hey guys, how was school?" Angelica asked us. Eliza and i both look at each other, Eliza hesitated a bit. "Uh, Alex got beat up today..." Eliza said. Angelica looked shocked, "by who?!" She asked looking at the both of us. "By Jefferson..." Eliza spat out. "Jefferson! That guys a asshole!" Angelica accidentally said in front of the kids. She immediately covered her mouth, the kids gave her a weird look. "Um... you guys heard nothing..." Eliza said to them. The girls both burst out laughing, and the kids just got more confused. Angelica turned the attention on me. "Alex, how was your first day? Did you meet anyone?" She asked. 'Other than getting beat up, it was fine, I didn't really meet anybody' I signed. "Aw that's ok, I know you'll meet some people" Angelica smiled, I smiled back.

(Time skip to the next day)

I woke up before Eliza today, and before most as well. I had a terrible dream. It was in school, and everyone was there, even Eliza. I don't really remember much but it was bad. I'll spare you the details. I snapped out of my thinking, and got out of bed.

Once I was ready, Eliza came downstairs. "Hey Alex, good morning" she said making her way over to me. I just gave her a thumbs up. I would've said more, but she doesn't know ASL. She said down in the living room, and so did I. As I was sitting down, I could see what she was doing on her phone. She was looking at how to do/ read ASL. I badly wanted to bring it up, but i will just let her say. We sat there until it was time for school. We walked out of the house and waited for the bus to arrive. Eliza turned to me, "I've been learning how to do ASL and how to read it." There it is. I didn't really know what to say. I just gave her a happy look. I was definitely pleased she was wanting to learn, then the bus arrived.

(Time skip to school)

Eliza and i parted our separate ways. Since I was getting used to the school, I was ok on my own. I was just walking to my locker, until I saw Jefferson and his gang down the hall near my locker. Fuck! I part of me wanted to turn the other way, but I also wasn't gonna be pushed around! I decided to man up and go to my locker. Once Jefferson and i make eye contact, he starts to get closer to me. " hey there Alex, how was the beating yesterday? You'd be dead if you didn't have Eliza there to save your ass!" He said with a smirk. I just looked down, trying to ignore him. He noticed, and pushed me up against the lockers. "Your not going anywhere buddy" he said glaring into my eyes. All of a sudden, Jefferson was pulled back, by a guy with a lot of freckles. The guy looked at Jefferson in the eye. "Stop doing this to people, or your ass is grass!" The guy said pushing him down. Behind him where two other guys one with a pony tail, just like me and the other guy. The other looked very tough, like he was ready to hurt Jefferson. "Cmon lets go" the guy said, "wanna come?" he asked, I nodded. I followed the other guys to the side of the school. We all stopped and sat down, "I'm john Lauren's by the way" the boy with freckles said. "Im Lafayette" the other said with a French accent. "And I'm Hercules mulligan, but just call me herc" the tough one said. "And you?" John asked. I took a deep breath and signed, 'Alexander Hamilton'. The guys didn't look confused at all, I guess they know? The bell rang, "oh cool, well we better get going" john said getting up, We all got up too. I nodded as I smiled. "We'll see you later" Lafayette said. I waved goodbye as I picked up my bag and headed to class.

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