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She's heavy; how can a woman be this heavy?

My mind did not trust my eyes when I saw this dark figure splash into the water like a walrus.

My first reflection was to say, damn, go, and kill yourself somewhere else; this is my spot. And then I saw her fighting the water; this made me doubt the person's resolve to die. So, I decided to save her, and right now, I'm regretting not having passed my way.

I pull, I haven't played lifeguards in years, and it's a pain. Perhaps I should just let her to her fate. No one told her to dive, and the idiot can't swim.

Tell me, who jumps in cold water when they can't swim?

These thoughts accompany me as I regain the shore; the police are already there, CCTV is magic, and you're telling me a hit and run possible.

When I lay the stranger on the ground that I notice the girl is a foreigner. Her face is as white as magnesium carbonate. Perhaps she's dead; what a dumb idiot.

Nevertheless, I start the mouth to mouth to relieve my consciousness as it occurs to me once more she dived to save me. At least I would have tried my best, no guilt trip attached.

After three attempts, she coughs, and bright eyes open up. How do I know they're light?

They seem to twinkle, "ibayo, qwenchanaseyo? [Hey, are you okay]"

She coughs again, I guess it's an affirmative answer, I stand up, ready to be scolded, and officer Chan is on fire.

"Listen here, Kim Tae Won Ssi, little punk, why do you do this, eh? It's is the second time."

"No, it isn't. The first time the person didn't jump."

It's a stupid response, but my mind did not have an intelligent answer to give.

"People called us in panic. Listen, I know you like your midnight dip, but it's illegal, and you put others in danger. Get in the car," Officier Chan says while slapping his cap on my chest.

I grasp the back of my head; no one has ever done something as dumb for me. Jumping in the Han River is something I do with the resolve to die, knowing I can't. It's the suicide I can't commit when I feel too guilty of being alive.

The Hangang River is where my journey ends on the most bitter days. Min Ho's voice is always the one I hear when I'm about to jump.

"Hyung [big brother], I'll be watching you," it's what my brother used to say every time I had a competition, and I always wonder as I fall if he sees what I've become.

When I hit the water, the memories of him sway around me, and the waves play the arms which hug and console me. I cry under the water; the drops of tears regain the flow and swim away. At least they will never be alone again, whereas I remain with my sorrow. This time it was different. My melodramatic wallowing ritual was interrupted because of this girl.

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