Chapter 21

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Louis' POV

"Hi Louis. We have a problem."

My throat began to feel as though it was constricting. My head hurt and my palms were sweaty. I silently prayed that this didn't have anything to do with Harry, but I got the feeling that it did. Why else would Liam call and sound so nervous?

"What's going on Liam?" I asked, noticing Harry's worried expression.

"Are you alone Lou?" Liam asked, "I don't want Harry to hear any of our conversation. He doesn't need the stress."

"Okay. One sec Liam," I said, turning to Harry, "I have to talk to Liam in the hallway. I'll be back in a moment, alright love?"

"What's this about? What's wrong?" I could see Harry's heart rate speeding up.

"Harry I don't know, but you can't afford the stress," I sighed, "please try to think positive and calm down. I'll see you soon."

"Okay," Harry mumbled, slowing down his breathing.

I walked out of the room and down the hallway. I saw the door leading to the cafeteria and, noticing no one was in there, I went inside. I smiled at the chefs and sat down at a table far away from the door, just in case someone came in. I didn't know what this call was about, but I couldn't afford someone finding out about Harry if they already didn't know.

"Alright Liam, I'm alone. Now what the hell is going on?" I asked, not prepared for the answer.

"Have you checked twitter?" Liam asked.

"Are you joking? Is that what this is about? Some stupid comment made on twitter," gosh I was getting pissed.

"Louis this is serious. Everyone on twitter knew about Harry's heart attack and a story just came on the news. They were talking about Harry's dramatic exit from Tony's talk show and about Harry being brought to the hospital. Apparently Tony was watching when we called the paramedics. He found out what was happening and told the news people everything. Louis they even had pictures of Harry being taken into the hospital, unconscious."

My heart stopped as he told me this. How could that bastard tell everyone about what happened with Harry. That was a personal thing and Tony just decided to let the world know. I swear the next time I see him I'll kill him. No, he doesn't deserve that. I'll lock him in a closet with a tiger and let maul him to pieces, but I won't let it kill him. Then I'll leave him in the closet to suff-

"Louis," Liam's voice cut me off from my thoughts, "you can't kill Tony."

"But why not?" I whined, angrily.

"Simon is already taking care of him. We don't need you going to jail because you decide to beat the crap out of him," Liam explained.

"Fine," I muttered, "what did Simon say he's going to do about the situation?"

"Well," Liam said, "he told me he wanted you to talk to Harry and see if he was ready to confirm all the rumors. If so then he's going to set up an interview with Kelly. You remember Kelly, right? I'm sure you do. She's so much better than Tony. Anyway if he's not ready Simon said we'll just take it one day at a time. He said we don't have to confirm or deny anything yet. He also said to call him once you've talked to Harry."

"Alright Liam," I sighed, "but I really don't want to upset him." I looked at the clock and noticed it was time for dinner.

"It's time for dinner and I don't want him to be too upset to eat. He already has enough problems with food. I don't want to add to it," I continued.

"I know you don't Lou," Liam said, "but Simon says he needs you to call before the nights over. He said it doesn't matter how late, but he needs the call before tomorrow morning so he can figure out where we are going."

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