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"Captain, there's a storm coming in by evening. Weather reports are suggesting one of the biggest storms of the century."

First officer Decker walked into the main control room of the ship, Captain Bryan Ridges stood near the wheel of the cruise ship, looking at the charts and maps on the table. Captain Ridges stood up straight to look at Decker, his face covered in frustration.

"It's not just that Mr Decker. Two of the lifeboats have not been secured tight enough and the engineering department is taking forever to settle the harnesses and the bolts that hold up the lifeboats. With a storm like that coming in, it will be dangerous for those walking around at night. Have they closed off that area for maintenance?"

"No sir. They just found out about the problem."

"Then why are you standing there for? Get it done now. I don't want to risk the safety of the passengers."

"Yes sir."

Decker left the control room and scurried off down towards the lower decks, manoeuvring his way towards the engineering offices. He wished his day could've gone better. Firstly, he woke up late, missed his serving of breakfast for he was required to be in the meeting room for a meeting with the rest of the crew. Secondly, he had to ensure that the safety of the boat was his top priority for the President and the First Lady were on board. And the president's daughter. He recognised her last night in one of the restricted areas, but before he could go over and let her know, he saw another woman, his crush, Lauren Jauregui. The Captain loved her beyond words, and the owner of the company had given her unrestricted access to the ships that she was on because she saved his daughters life. Simon was a wealthy man and Lauren didn't want any money when he found out about it. She only wanted quiet spaces to venture too, and she got it.

But what broke his heart was the fact that the hottest woman on the boat was making out with the President's daughter, rendering her heart belonging to someone else. The rumours that surrounded her was true. She was a lesbian. Not that he had a problem with it, but most of the crew members on this trip had a crush on Lauren. She was a hotshot bartender, a gorgeous lifeguard, who wouldn't want to be hers. But the other rumour that surrounded her was the love she had one this one person that she lost years ago. She wouldn't love anyone else except for her. And she knew the Presidents daughter was the special one of her heart. No one ever caught Lauren flirting around with the crew members or guest. They heard from the head chef, Normani Kordei, who was close friends with Lauren, had claimed her heart only belonged to one. Pushing his thoughts aside, Decker made it to the engineering office, knocking on the door before entering.

"James! We need to get the pulleys for the lifeboats fixed pronto! Storm is coming in and we need it to be fastened and secured before we get hit in a couple of hours." Decker yells over the loud noise in the room coming from one of the machines.

"I'll get one of the mechanics to head up there now. Have security block off the area. So nobody goes walking by while I get them up there." James yelled from his spot in the middle of the room.

"I don't have time to call security. I just need your men up there and getting it settled. Please? The Captain doesn't need to know about it. I just need it done and settled before he even finds out about it."

"You're mad my friend. What if something happens to the passengers? It would be our jobs on the line."

"Just get it done. I have other things to do."

This was the true meaning of what human beings were like. Human error. The work of someone who was lazy, who couldn't be bothered with the way things are supposed to be fixed. These were the carelessness of humans, and Decker knew that. He just wanted the job done. Thus so he scurried away, going back to his business as the rest of the engineering team went about their business, and the mechanical were informed briefly about the situation at hand. Safety procedures were thrown out of place, standard protocols were turned down, and Decker knew he would be in trouble.

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