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"Come on assholes. Get your lazy asses out of bed. We're going to shore today." Dinah hollers.

Normani, along with Luna and Hailee groans miserably as they made their way off their bunks and staggering towards the direction of the bathroom. The perks of living with each other at sea for 3 months and they knew the routine of their everyday life. Every time they come in contact with a new island that they had marked off on their map, they would head to shore to check out the area for a day or two before heading back to the boat, as they continued their search for their two missing friends. Despite the fact that they had been at sea for 3 months, they never once not failed to party when they felt down. They didn't drink often, but Normani damn well makes some really strong drinks once in a while. She had a flare for cocktail drinks and even if her cooking was better than all 3, Normani had always dreamed of opening a high class dessert bar. She could sell her drinks and desserts and live a simple life. That was her plan and because Lauren was a great bartender too, she had wanted Lauren to jump ship with her and open the shop. Dinah had agreed to the idea, saying that she could work a part time and help sell the desserts and run the register.

But of course, Normani tended to over exaggerate her drinks and they end up hung over and pissy in the morning. Despite Luna being the strongest one of the bunch, she still couldn't handle Normani's brew.

"Do you just have to wake us up early whenever we head to shore? Fuck Dinah... your fiancé gave us a strong one last night." Hailee curses pushing Normani with her shoulders, only for Normani to literally push her back using her hands.

"Don't be a party pooper. You insisted that we have something strong. Luna even agreed to it." Seeing that Luna had snuck around quietly in their cramped up space, and dashed for the bathroom.

Normani noticed and she dashed after her, both of them fighting to get there and Luna did in fact win and shut the door in Normani's face. It wasn't that they didn't have another bathroom on the boat, considering its size, but they were too lazy to walk over to the other side of the boat to use the smaller shower. They had kept up the cleanliness of the boat, knowing that Normani and Luna were freakishly clean freaks and of course they cleaned and made sure they had stocked up everything neatly so that it was easier to find things. They had spent their free time cleaning whenever they were travelling, and they had to head to shore that very day for a storm was coming in. They had followed the chartered course of the cruise ship from California and they had stopped at every island that came into view. There was one that had them running back for the boat and the only reason was that there was an alligator in the swamp that they stumbled upon when they were searching.

Hailee was the first to take off running, and she even screamed, "RUN YOU BITCHES!", making Normani laugh her ass off for her life back to the beach. Dinah turned white as a ghost, stumbling over logs and vines, and Luna all but ignored them running for her life. They were being overly dramatic. Yeah... if anyone else had seen them that way, they would have said that they were dramatic over thinking idiots. Yet, despite all the shit that they faced, it gave them the determination to continue pursuing their goals in finally finding their friends. So today, they were docking at one of the small islands, hoping perhaps that they may be on the island and if they aren't they could cross it off on the map and move on.

"Where is my coffee Di?" Normani walks into the kitchen, having made coffee for the whole lot of them, and Dinah all but hides. She enjoyed messing with Normani in the morning, and she knew enough that Normani would come looking for her cup.

It was games like these Dinah got a kick out off and since Luna and Hailee were taking extra extra long long time in the bathroom, Dinah makes her way over to the kitchen area taking her pants off and her shirt off, before positioning herself on the seats near the table, and places her legs open to let Normani view her already wet panties. If Luna and Hailee were going at it, so could she. Normani on the other hand groans, popping a painkiller into her mouth and rubs her eyes, still searching around for her cup. When Dinah didn't reply her, she left the cooking area and into the small dining room that wasn't really that big before stopping dead in her tracks.

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