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It was thing he learned about staying with his bosses for a month now, was that they were really loud and childish people he had ever met. Aden found himself sitting in the kitchen on the bar stool, sucking down on his coke as he watched Dinah and Luna continue on the bantering that they started the night before while playing Monopoly. It was ridiculous at them arguing about who was richer than the other from cheating, and he found it funny. It was morning like these however, that he enjoyed the most. It felt like home. A real home. The mansion was big enough for huge families, and he was happy to get a room to himself with a study table and a nice queen size bed that he had all too himself. It was way better than the room he shared with four others just to pay rent. He was thankful to all the ladies in the home, for they were so welcoming and understanding, never judging him or throwing names at him for being gay or different. But what he loved the most was being an uncle to the two little girls that he fell in love with when he came home that first night.

Jasmine and Lily, bot adorable and beautiful just like their mother's, was the greatest he had ever come close to in his life. He would sit and play with them, make goofy faces and they would giggle and laugh at him whenever he played with their toys. Some nights when Camila or Lauren was dead beat tired, Lauren already 10 weeks pregnant, he would play with the girls in their cribs until either Camila or Lauren came in and thanked him for calming them down. He had so much respect for all of them he didn't know how he could repay them. Smiling away, Normani enters the kitchen and takes the bottle of coke away from his mouth, and Aden groans.

"Ah ah no. You don't get to groan and pout at me young man. Its bloody 8.30 am in the morning and coke is not breakfast." Normani puts the cap back on and walks to the fridge, shoving it inside and taking out the eggs and bacon.

"Oh come on. Dinah let me have some." Aden points at Dinah who had Luna in a headlock on the ground, both trying to kill each other.

"Dinah is my dumb fool of a wife and an idiot. If Lauren caught you drinking that shit now, it wouldn't be a long ass lecture, it would be the end of the world. At least Camila is civil along with Hailee. But not Lauren." Normani reminds Aden who runs his fingers through his thick bushy hair.

"Hey! Where are they anyway?" Aden looks around, for breakfast was always done as a group every morning.

"Hailee is out watering the plants, Camila and Lauren... well, they have their happy hour. Lauren gets really horny when she's pregnant. Trust me, let her have her fill on her needs. Now, use that man strength of yours and pry those two dipshits apart. It's driving me crazy." Normani starts on the eggs and Aden slides of the chair.

"She's your wife you know." Aden reiterates, and Normani shoots him a glare.

"You can either complain and not eat at all, or you can pry them apart, and have a nice warm breakfast and not starve. Your pick!" Normani turns back to cooking, and Aden all but rolls his eyes and walks over to Dinah and Luna who were on top of each other.

Aden pulls his sleeves up, wraps his arms around Dinah's waist and yanks her up and off the ground with ease, and carries her over out towards the living room, using his feet to open the sliding door and we made his way to the pool, before dumping Dinah into it and wipes his hands clean before waving at Hailee who had the water hose on and was watering the bushes nearby. She waved back and continued on her job when Dinah emerges from the water.

"Aden you asshole. I'm going to kill you."

"Tell that to your wife. It was her orders."



The room was still dark, the curtains closed, a few lavender scented candles were lit up in the room and Camila smiled. She was hovering above Lauren, their eyes adoring each other's as Camila traced her wife's jaw with her fingers, taking in her soft features that glowed in the dim light. Lauren was beautiful, for she was a wife, a friend, a mother and a kind-hearted soul that Camila would never exchange for the world. She was happy that they made it to this day, their love for each other so strong, not even death could break their bond. Leaning down, Camila takes her wife's lips in hers, taking in her wife's smell that was always filled with pine trees and sunflowers, thanks to her soap, and Camila really loved waking up to Lauren like that. Camila then trailed her kisses to Lauren's neck, the still red angry mark she made last night was now turning blue, and Camila kissed it softly before moving down to Lauren's breast.

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