Frustration and Awkwardness

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'Ballora, I'm still not sure why you did this to me. I know the news came like four months ago, but I'm still not over it, and I'm slowly starting to think that I never will be. I just can't believe you started to date someone else! Especially my brother of all people! Don't get me wrong, I love him and everything, but the fact that you chose him over me hurts even more. I don't know if you know that you're doing this to me, but it hurts, Ballora. I wish I wasn't afraid to say something. I wish I wasn't so horrible at reading people, so I didn't have an excuse to be afraid. I wish I wasn't stupid enough to—'


Baby looked at her pencil, which was now missing its lead because of the excessive pressure she was putting on it.

She slammed her journal closed, tossing it onto the floor from her spot on the bed before sighing loudly.

"Damn it, Lor. Why do you do these things to me?"

There was a sharp knock on Baby's door.

She sighed again. "Who is it?"

"It's Foxy! Just letting you know that Lori wants you to meet her in the Auditorium."

Baby felt an odd twinge in her chest. "Alright. Thanks, Foxy."

"No problem!"

Baby listened to Foxy's footsteps as they walked away, waiting until they fully faded before bothering to get up. Very slowly, mind you. She always had this odd conflict in her head, where one part of her always wanted to see Ballora, and the other part was screaming for her to stay away. She was never really sure what side to listen to but usually ended up giving in to the first option.

She walked over to her mirror before heading out, deciding to check and see if she looked presentable. It was a compulsory thing, really. She knew that she really shouldn't bother anymore, but couldn't help herself.

Of course, she didn't look particularly presentable at the moment. Baby wasn't in her work outfit, and by default, that meant that her effort levels plummeted significantly. She had on a super old sweatshirt with faded lettering and blue jeans that had more than a few holes in them. On top of that, her hair was also kind of a mess. Probably because she hadn't brushed it yet. She attempted to finger comb it before giving up and deciding it was ultimately useless.

"Fucking fantastic."

Baby pulled her hood over her head, pushing open her bedroom door and walking down to the Funtime Auditorium. Yet again, rather slowly.

She pushed open the ridiculously heavy-duty door to the Auditorium and spotted Ballora on the other side of the room.

Baby practically slammed the door closed, causing Ballora to turn around. Her face lit up when she saw Baby.

"Baby! There you are!"

Baby smiled a little but felt that odd twinge in her chest again. "Hey, Lor."

"I haven't seen you all day, where have you been?"

Baby thought back to how she somehow managed to sleep in until eleven-thirty, and then spent twenty minutes aggressively writing journal entries. She cleared her throat. "I was just in my room...y'know, existing and stuff."

"Oh, alright."

"Did you need something?" the redhead asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, yeah, you're the tallest, could you please help me get the Minireenas down?"

"Where are they?"

"Up there." Ballora pointed up, where the Minireenas were hanging from the light fixture.

"How in the actual hell did they get up there?"

Ballora shrugged. "I have no idea."

"Well, alright." Baby grabbed a chair and stood on it. "C'mere you little weirdos." 

She attempted to grab the two little robots, who started hissing at her like they were cats. 

"No, stop hissing." 

They started kicking at her and punching her, but they weren't strong enough for it to really hurt so she just kind of ignored it. She finally managed to grab a hold of them and tucked them under her arms like a couple of books. They continued to squirm around as Baby got off the chair, and once she set them on the floor they scurried off.

"Thank you, I wasn't sure how I would've gotten them down from there."

"Yep, anytime."

Baby was about to walk away when Ballora placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Actually, wait. Before you leave, do you think we can talk after the staff meeting today? Alone?"

Baby stared at Ballora for a moment before responding. "Uh...sure."


God, everything felt so awkward. And it continued to be awkward as they both continued to just stand there without saying anything else.

Both luckily and unluckily, the awkwardness was interrupted by the two Minireenas, who had come back with a few of their friends and a vengeance. They launched themselves into Baby, effectively knocking her into Ballora.

They both blushed.

"Crap, I'm sorry!"

"It's fine! It's not your fault, it's the Minireenas' faults. They're a little salty, I think." Ballora glared at the Minireenas from across the room as they ran away giggling. She sighed, her face still a bit flushed. "So...uh, anyway, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, s-see you later." Baby quickly left the Funtime Auditorium, a million different thoughts racing through her mind all at once.

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