Words Are Difficult

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It took a while before Ballora got the opportunity to talk to Baby again. The redhead had left to go to the hardware store. She needed to get stuff to fix the table that Foxy and Ennard broke.

Ballora just sort of casually hung out in the back room, which was where the back door was. And that door was the one that Baby usually came through.

It took a good thirty minutes before she heard the familiar click of the door unlocking, and that obnoxious creak it made when opening.

"Hey, Baby!" she greeted as soon as the redhead entered.

She looked over in slight surprise, heading over to the remains of the demolished table. "Hey. What're you doing back here?"

Ballora was very rarely in the backroom. It was always cold and she sort of hated it.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you about something, actually." She slid off the counter she was sitting on, walking closer to Baby.

"Sure, what's happening?"

They both sat on the chairs that went with the broken table.

"I..." Whatever approach Ballora had planned seemed to leave her. "Ennard and I broke up."

That seemed to elicit a quick response from Baby.

"What? He broke up with you? Do you want me to kick his ass? Because I will. Holy shit, I actually can't—"

"Actually, I broke up with him," Ballora interrupted.

"You did? Why?"

"I have feelings for somebody else."

"Ah. I see... Who is it? Y'know, if you don't mind me asking."

This was it. All the bluenette needed to say was one word. A simple "you". It shouldn't have difficult, really.

But unfortunately, it was.

Ballora wasn't usually one to trip over her own words, but she found herself doing so as Baby looked at her expectantly. All that was coming out was incomprehensible nonsense.

"You don't have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable, Lor."

"It's a woman!" she blurted out, immediately looking to the floor after she said it. 

She inwardly cursed for not saying exactly what she wanted to.

Baby blinked at the sudden outburst. "Oh?" She seemed more shocked than anything.

"You're not bothered by that?" Ballora questioned cautiously.

Baby smiled and placed a hand on the dancer's shoulder. "No, of course not. You know that I love ya no matter what."


That was reassuring, at least.

Now Ballora just had to get the rest out.

She could do that.

In another couple of hours, maybe.

She was fairly certain that she had never been this nervous before.

But she could do it.

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