Chapter 3

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We trained for four hours today. I was so tired when I got to my room, that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the lush, capitol pillow.

   I awoke to hear Violet running around telling everyone to get up and eat. I got up and put on the black pants and red tank top that I found in my closet.

   I went down to breakfast and stacked my plate with pancakes. "What is the schedule for this week?" Ash asked Violet. "Well, tonight you have the tribute parade. Tomorrow is more training and then the day after that is the interviews. Then of couse the day after the interveiws, the games begin!" Violet responded.

   An hour later I was with my stylist, Xandra. She was tall and wore yellow from head to toe. She came in after my prep team did my hair and make-up. "For the tribute parade we must put you in something that relates to your district. Masonry for you. I was thinking, maybe a knee-length grey dress with a golden sash." Xandra says to me. "That sounds stunning!" I reply. After fifteen minutes of trying to squeeze into the tight dress, I am on my way to the parade.

   When I get to the parade I see Ash in a grey suit with a gold sash, like my dress. I look over to the left and see a boy from 12 and a girl from 9 having a conversation. The boy is in a coal miners outfit and the girl is wearing a dress that looks like it is made of grain. Then I hear an announcement telling all the tributes to get in their chariots. Amber and Cannon come over to wish us luck and tell us to look intimidating.

   We are out. I see lots of capitol people holding signs with my name on them. I also hear people shouting my name, trying to get my attenion. I keep my eyes straight ahead of me, like I am the only one there.

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