Chapter One

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       +Sometimes life happens, and sometimes it picks you up and places you in the center of something you never saw coming, but never, absoutely never, want to stop. -Tyler Knott Gregson+

        My mind room whirs into motion. Baskerville University. Home of the infamous Hounds. Infamous? Hasn't won a rugby match since 1986, a single year after the school was established. Definetely infamous. School colors: royal blue and violet----

        "Sherlock." A popping noise interrupts me from my thoughts. Mycroft, my annoying elder brother, is snapping his fat fingers in front of my nose. 

        "Rude." I push his hand away forcefully. 

        "Was the nerd too focused on his little brain dump?"

        "Oh, shut up, Mycroft. I know you have one, too." 

        "Don't be smart, Sherlock, and continue on the deduction phase you're going through. I actually am the intelligent one. The pride of our family."

        I laugh, "I see Mother has been feeding out lies again." 

        "William!" Mycroft scolds. My eyes narrow on their own accord, shooting the sharpest of daggers towards my insolent sibling. He glares back, a small, satisfied smirk on his pudgy face.

        "Don't think just because you've brought out the given birth name, you've won. That would not be the case, nor will it ever be." 

        "You're so weird." Mycroft rolls his eyes as the car we had been sitting in for the past two hours jerks to a stop. I fumble for the handle, pushing open the door and stepping gracefully onto the pavement. Making my way to the trunk of the expensive vehicle my parents had wasted their large fortune on, I begin to deduce students that I can spot on the lawn of the academy. 

        Unkept hair + rugged knees = night at her boyfriend's--no. Just a friend...with benefits. If that's what they call it these days.

        Judging by the deep bags under his eyes and the present twitch in his fingers, he was up all night studying. Also explains the black coffee with no sugar or milk. Didn't realize it was the decaf spout. 

        I blink as the trunk pops open with a click. I heave the top up, pulling out my single suitcase. The other four belong to Mycroft. He had insisted he bring extra supplies, being hall monitor and all. He isn't the bloody headmaster for God's sakes. 

        "Mum told me to keep this in my safe hands until we arrived at Baskerville." Mycroft hands me a manila file folder with three cheaply printed papers in it. I flip it open and skim down the words quickly. My eyes flit back up to my brother's before I pivot on my heel and stride away. 

        The papers consist of my personal information, mostly the costs for textbooks, room and board, meals, and tuition. Mother and Father had agreed to pay for tuition and housing. What they didn't know was that I hardly ate, and I would most likely not be attending my scheduled classes. The only reason I actually was interested in going to Baskerville was to escape my parents. They were too...distant. Not that it bothered me; I just got annoyed easily with Mother's snide remarks and Father's sarcastic jokes. My goal during the school-year was to establish a whole mind palace--not just a mind room--, become more educated in playing the violin, and focus on my deduction skills that were quickly developing. Friends, faculty, and food were not in the picture. 

        "Oi! Watch it, mate!" A dark-haired boy flips me off after almost colliding with me. He had been too focused on the pictures he was recieveing from his girlfriend, judging by the strain in his trousers and the saliva left over from licking his lips far too many times. 

        Humans are disgusting.

        I huff and continue to the welcome building to check in. That is a long, boring, tedious process, and an hour later I'm in the lift to the top floor of Baker Building. 

        I guess the dorm houses had been named after the men who had founded Baskerville University, but my glance at a plaque may have been read wrong. (I highly doubt that possibilty).

        The lift doors slide open, and I step out, rolling my suitcase behind me. It clatters and creaks as I stroll down the hallway, following the signs to 221B. I stick my key card into the acquired slot and step into my room for the first time. 

~~Hope you lovely people enjoyed it!! Vote, comment, fangirl: the usual routine. This is dedicated to WallflowerKaitelyn because her comments always, always, always make my day. So thank you, lovely person, for your support and kindness!! <333 And I've also decided to put pieces of poetry at the beginning of each chapter. Probably all of them will be by Tyler Knott Gregson, because 1) he's kind of an amazing poet and writer and 2) just look at #1. If you haven't read his work before, please go read it. It will seriously change your life. <3 xo -Kam~~

The Evanescent Fairy Tale of Sherlock and John {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now