Chapter six

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(Y/n)~ your name
(Bf/n)~ best friends name
Here it is the moment you've all been waiting for ;)

The plane landed and you all got off. You and (bf/n) got a taxi and told them the directions to your hotel. You guys went got your room and unpacked.

"Ok since we're all done how about we get some lunch before it starts?" (Bf/n) asked looking towards you.

"Yeah sounds good" you said grabbing your bag. You grabbed the card for the room and you both lefted. You decided to get a rental car so it would be easier. You got your car and went somewhere to eat. It was getting close until the show started so you guys decided to leave.

"Alright let's go it's almost time and I'm super excited!" You said standing up. You both got into your rental car and started towards PAX East. When you arrived there was barely anyone outside so you assumed that it was getting dangerously close to time. So you guys rushed inside, showed your tickets and got into your seats.

You guys had seats in the second row so you guys had a perfect view of the stage and Mark and his friends.

The lights dimmed and the crowd roared as they started walking out onto the stage. Ethan walked out and he noticed you guys sitting there. He smiled and waved to you guys. Mark came out behind him and saw Ethan wave to you guys. Mark looked over to you guys and smiled. You just smiled back and could feel the butterflies in your stomach flutter.

They did some funny skits and made jokes that made the whole crowd laugh. Then it was time for questions.

"Now it's time for questions! Please walk to either microphone in a calmly manner and no pushing. And form a line and yeah you know how this goes" Mark said laughing making everyone else laugh.

People rushed to the microphones carefully trying not to push anyone down. You just sat in your chair nervously sinking into the chair. Ethan looked at you with a concerned face. You wondered what's wrong.

After all the questions everyone sat back into there seats and waited for them to continue.

"Ok it's almost time to end this but after this we are having a meet and greet out there where you guys can come and get our autographs and take pictures so don't worry" Mark said while moving his hands while he talked.

They all gave there last few words and waved goodbye. Everyone exited the room while you and (bf/n) waited behind so it wasn't that cramped. You heard Ethan call your name. You both turned around shocked on why he wanted you guys.

This is a little longer chapter cause I thought that the others weren't as long so this is a lot longer. Hopefully you liked it and hopefully it wasn't too rushed again. Squad fam out✌

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