Chapter eighteen

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Sorry that there's so many time skips

*time skip*

Your phone buzzed on the couch. You reached over a grabbed it. It was a text message from Jack.

Jack: hey (y/n)! I plan on leaving tomorrow and going to Mark's house to settle in. I'll call you when I get to his house then I'll come over and see ya!

You: yay I'm so excited! I missed you so much can't wait to see you!

Jack: can't wait to see you too! I gotta go pack. Talk to ya later! Love you!

You: ok see ya later! Love you too!

You turned off your phone then jumped up off the couch and decided to start cleaning the place a bit since Jack was coming tomorrow. You didn't want it to look bad when he got here.

After you were done cleaning you went up to (bf/n) room to tell her the news.

"Hey (bf/n) Jack is coming in town tomorrow and will be visiting us" you said.

"Oh that's great can't wait to see him" she said.

You walked back down stairs and jumped on the couch. You were really bored but really excited that your gonna see Jack tomorrow and possibly Mark.

You started watching a movie until you slowly started to fall asleep. You took the first week off since Jack was visiting.

You tried to keep your eyes open but you couldn't. You were just too tired so you finally fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up to the sound of ringing. It was your phone and someone was calling you. It was Jack as you expected.

Jack: hey (y/n) I'm on my way to Mark's house, I'll text you when I'm done settling in and heading your way

You: ok thanks can't wait to see you

Jack: me either. I gotta go bye love you!

You: ok bye love you too

He ended the called and you rushed upstairs to the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower you changed into some clean clothes and walked downstairs. (Bf/n) made some breakfast so you sat at the kitchen counter.

"Morning. I made you some breakfast" she said while handing you a plate.

"Thanks. Jack will be over in about in hour" you said while taking a bite of your bacon.

"Cool super excited to see him" she said while sitting at the table with you.

"Me too. I wonder what were gonna do while he's here" you said.

"Yeah we'll figure something out. Maybe go bowling or something" she said.

"Yeah we'll ask him when he gets here" you said.

*time skip sorry*

About an hour later Jack texted you saying that he's on his way. You jumped up in excitement and told (bf/n). You both stayed down stairs on the couch waiting for him.

It will probably take a little bit since Jack said that Mark lived kinda far from here.

There was a knock on the door. You jumped up excitedly and ran to the door. You opened it and saw Jacks smiled grow.

"(Y/n)! It's so nice to see you again!" He said while running to you and hugging you.

"You too I'm so happy your visiting!" You said while letting go.

"I know right it's been forever since I've seen your place!" He said while looking around. Jack moved out of the way of the door. Then you saw him. It was Mark. He was standing there behind Jack the whole time.

Your smile grew even wider. You didn't know what to do or say. You just ran into his arms and hugged him. He hugged you back tightly.

It felt like you two were hugging forever. You didn't want to let go.

Mark's POV

I stopped the car and followed Jack to the door. My hands were starting to get sweaty. I was really excited to see (y/n) for the first time in two weeks.

Jack knocked on the door then stepped back. The door opened then (y/n) ran to Jack and they started hugging. Then they started talking a little bit until Jack moved out of the way of the door. Then I saw her. She was so beautiful like always. Her smile was so adorable. Her eyes were beautiful with excitement in them when she saw me.

The only thing we did was run up to each other and hugged. I hugged her tightly not wanting let go. I'm sure she was thinking the same thing.

Yes! You and Mark reunited! How cute! I hoped you liked the chapter! Squad fam out✌

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