Why Do I Feel Suspiciously Like Bait?

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"Why are you out here?" The man peered at me. His expression was fairly hostile, but I guess I could understand that. If those bird-creatures lived somewhere on Earth, I'd be fairly hostile when confronted by someone unfamiliar. Hades, I usually was anyway.

"I live out here."

"No one lives out here."

I crossed my arms, the tiniest bit indignant. "I do."

"The Spine is inhabitable."

"The Spine?"

His eyes narrowed. "You don't know what that means?"

"Look, man-" I started, intent on explaining to him part of my current living situation.


"I'm sorry?"

He straightened his back, squaring his shoulders. "My name is Roran."

"Okay.... Roran. The whole time I've lived in this mountain range, I never knew it by the name you used."

"You've never heard of the Spine?"

I shook my head.

"What do you call it then?"

Oh boy. Time for some quick thinking.

Use your native language. Anareem suggested. She was nearby, but not close enough to be seen or heard.

I shrugged in Roran's direction. "Vouná."

He frowned. "I do not recognize that tongue."

"It isn't spoken by many. Not anymore."

"What is it?"

What are the odds there's actually a place here called Greece? Guess I'm going to find out.

"It's an Ancient Greek dialect." I crossed my arms, trying to act casual.

Roran's eyes narrowed in confusion. "I... don't know that either."

I sighed, going with it. "Not many people have. I think my family are the only people who still speak it."

"Where is your family?"

"That is a long story." I shrugged. "I got banished. I live by myself now."


The clearing was silent for a few moments, then Roran spoke again. "You're not safe out here. The Ra'zac will come back."

"Those bird things?"


"So what are you suggesting?" I asked slowly.

"Come with me. There's a village not far from here.... but know this." He stood straight suddenly, and he was actually a few inches taller than me. "If you betray my people.... I will kill you."

Not like you could. I refrained from rolling my eyes, and nodded in his direction. "Understood."

'Do not underestimate him, Percy.' Anareem warned quietly. 'The people of this world are tough and extremely resilient.'

I'll keep that in mind.

"This way, I'll lead you to the village."

"Wait." I said quickly. "Before we go...."

Roran turned to raise an eyebrow at me. "Yes?"

"I need to get my p-"

'Don't tell him about me! You don't know his attitude towards dragon riders!' Anareem reprimanded sharply.

"-pack." I quickly amended. "I have a bag of personal items."

He nodded. "Do you want me to come with?"

"You can if you want, but I'll only be back in a minute."

Roran grunted. "I'll stay here."


"What do you mean I have to act like I'm in trouble?" I crossed my arms, frowning.

Roran huffed out an exasperated sounding sigh. "The village will be more likely to trust you than if I say I found you fighting the Ra'zac in the woods. Trust me, it will work better."

"Gods, fine. How long do I wait?"

"Give it at least 10 minutes. Here." He pressed a small bottle filled with sand in it into my hand. "Turn this over, when the sand has all run out, go."

Then he was gone.

"I could have taken those stupid chickens." I muttered, rolling my eyes as I hunkered down. I turned the little hourglass over, watching the grains of sand trickle down.

'Hush, young one.' I could hear Anareem laughing at me.

Are you staying out in the forest?

'Yes. We don't know what they will do when they see me. Some people are supportive of dragon riders, but most are not.'

I grunted. Got it.

The sand was almost gone. Maybe two minutes more.

'Be careful around these people, Percy. I smell unease. They are troubled.'

Fantastic. I sighed. Thanks, Anareem. Stay close by, okay?

'Of course.' And then she was quiet.

I glanced at the sand and hopped up when I realized there was nothing left. "Go time."

Roran had led me to a thicket near the main road that led to his village, far enough away that no one would see me coming. He'd said to follow the road, but not be on it until the very end.

I began to run, crashing through the thicket loudly and yelling for help.

"Please, I need help! Someone! Help me- oh gods- HELP!"

There were shouts up ahead, most of them incoherent. I could see lit torches, moving towards a large barrier.

"Gods- the road! Thank gods! SOMEBODY HELP!" The road was more of a dirt path, now that I was actually on it. A very wide dirt path.

"Who goes there?" It was Roran, calling out to me.

"My name's Percy- please let me in there was something chasing me I need help-"

"Are you alone?"

"Yes!" I was nearly to the barrier now. I could just barely see Roran, peeking out.

"What did you say your name was?" He asked sharply, eyeing me like he'd never seen me before.

"Percy, I need-" An unearthly shriek echoed through the forest, cutting me off. More yells from inside.

"Let him in!" An older woman's voice finally demanded. The barrier shifted in front of me and I was face to face with a small crowd of people.

"You. Come with me." Roran grabbed my arm in a way that would look painful, but really wasn't. I yelped and resisted the urge to shove him off roughly.

'You're welcome.'

That noise was you?

'It was. Stay safe.'

I pretended to gulp for air as Roran led me to one of the larger buildings in the center of the village, the crowd following.

He pushed me into an almost completely empty room. "Stay here."

I sighed as the door was slammed shut and the clear sound of a bolt being thrown echoed through the room. "Great...."

[A/N longer chapter than normal! Whoo!]

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