Natasa Agrees With Me For Once

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"Okay, if you were to pin Angela as the child of a specific god or goddess, what would you say?" Maggie asked.

I paused, then shrugged. "Well I don't think I can guess that based off of our gods, because I have no clue if the deities in this world are anywhere near the same... She seems like she'd be related to Hecate though."

"She is very powerful... and she can shield herself from that devil-girl."

"Maggie." I looked up at her sharply. "She has a name and she can't help her situation."

She sighed, nodding slowly. "I'm sorry. She terrifies me."

"I understand that, but it's unfair to call her a devil. She's just a kid who was accidentally cursed."

Natasa marched into the tent, glaring at us. Once I'd vouched for her the others mostly ignored her presence, so she would just wander the camp and watch people do things. She especially enjoyed watching the elf Arya during sparring matches, which I understood completely. The woman was immensely skilled.

"Why did you not tell me there was another demigodess in this camp?" She demanded angrily.

Maggie raised her eyebrows, looking at me. "What did she just say?"

"She wants to know why we didn't tell her there was another demigoddess." I frowned, looking up at Natasa. "Who is a demigoddess?"

"I do not know her name." She grumbled, irritated.

"Can you describe her?"

Natasa screwed her face up, thinking. "Dark hair, like that of Lady Hestia."

"Okay, brown. Her eyes?"

"Always changing color, but I believe they are most commonly the same color as her hair."

I paused, surprised. I'd never noticed that, even though I was fairly sure she was talking about Angela.

"The woman with the child cursed." Natasa finished, confirming my thoughts.

"You think she's a demigoddess?"

"Is she not? She carries herself as if the blood of gods runs in her veins."

I nodded. "I think she is, but we're not fully sure. I was going to ask her in a couple minutes, actually."

Natasa grunted, crossing her arms. "Tell me what her answer is."

"I will... I'm going to come find you later, I need someone to spar with."

She nodded, pulling out her knife and beginning to inspect it.

"Natasa, you've sharpened the thing three times in the past two days. It's fine." I turned and walked out of the tent.

I wandered the camp for a little while, looking for Angela. She had a habit of popping up in the most random of places, so I really couldn't go looking for her. It would never work.

"Hello, Percy, how are you feeling today?"

"Angela!" I smiled at her, ignoring the twitch of surprise at the fact that she had pretty much appeared out of nowhere. "I'm a bit sore, but nothing I can't handle. A good day's training will do that."

She smiled, tossing her braid over her shoulder. "I remember those days. It's been quite a while since a training session actually hurt the way it should."

"Mind if I challenge you then? I haven't worked out today yet."

Angela raised her eyebrows. "If you really want to. I'll have to get my sword from the tent."

"Ah, the famed Tinkledeath?" I grinned.

She wagged a finger. "Do not presume to act as if such a name removes danger."

"Oh I wouldn't dare. Meet you at the training field that they set up?" I suggested.

"I won't be long."

And then she disappeared off into the camp. I went to the training field and built myself a set of ice armor. It was the best way to keep my powers somewhat trained in the middle of a field with no serious source of water nearby.

"Impressive. I'd heard that you had control of the elements." Angela was wearing her armor when she walked up. I smiled.

"Only water, really. I was born with it."

"Shall we say no powers in the first match?"

"I'll take that."

I really was impressed by her sword. It was complete diamond, as far as I could tell, and I had no doubt that it was deadly sharp.

Angela snapped her fingers, muttering a spell under her breath.

"I don't often do magic." She admitted as she covered the blade of her sword. "It makes me uneasy."

"Really? You've got quite an impressive control of it." I used the same spell. I didn't want to hurt her seriously.

"I do, but magic is dangerous at the best of times. That's why we speak our spells, if you simply thought the spell as the Grey Folk did the simplest distraction could cause massive amounts of destruction."

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