1) Packing

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A/N so this is my first ever story
So sorry if its pretty shit enjoy

Tyler began to pack his bags while silently crying to himself"Why! why why" he kept thinking his hatred towards his parents growing bigger by the second. he was furious his parents are forcing him to do some metal school or hospital IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER he didn't even belong there.

Okay sure he had some slip ups in the past a lot of self harm , countless suicide attempts depression and some other stuff
But why didn't his parents just get him a therapist or something?

"You'll make new friends"
"You will get better"
"You will be happy"
All things his mother told him but she didn't understand how this new "school" was gonna be hell.

Tyler did some research about this "School"
All he came up with is that its a place full with a bunch of suicidal kids from ages 13 to 18 And that you had to have a room mate and some other rules that he didn't really care about.

Room mate? He thought to himself that was the scary part for him at least
Tyler is a pretty shy awkward kid
And he's never really shared and room he was an only child so he was always alone
Would they be nice? A boy ? A girl ? So many thoughts going on in Tyler's head he couldn't think straight

"Tyler honey are you almost finished it time to go. Its an hour drive." His mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs

"Im ready give me a minute"he responded
Starting to tear up again not at all ready to go to some "School" in the middle of summer that's soposed to make him "get better"


what did you think like I said its my first story so I'm having a little trouble
But I'm excited to see where I take this story ill try to bublisb as much as I can soooo yea ! As lo sorry this one is short

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