21 | Woman Of The Night

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She shed her flesh,
And with it her inhibition.
Her body is visible,
Free from it's cage of flesh.
Bared so you can see,
The stardust coursing through her silver veins with every beat of her galaxy.

She moves with the fluid grace of particles in space.
She dances to the song of time,
A symphony created by the beats in the cycle of life,
An entity of bones,
Held together by constellations,
And the laws of the universe that mortal minds cannot fathom.

With comets for eyes and a black hole for a heart.
She is weightless,
Not hampered by the things that separate the mortal from the immortal,
No feelings,
No cares.
Just energy.
And energy never dies.

She is divinity personified,
Pure unaltered power,
Rising every night to find a lover.
She'll show him teasers of  herself,
A private tour of her universe.
When the moon is at its peak,
She'll steal away while he sleeps.

Leaving behind broken vessels,
Mortal men who cave in on themselves.
And write endless sonnets to relive the moments,
Spent in the arms of a goddess.

Some call her hell,
Those who have felt her touch call her heaven.
A taste of Eden,
A woman carved from the stuff universes are made of.
A woman of the night.

one of my favorites
I think we've finally reached the part where the pieces get longer and better.


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