7. That Sucks

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Hey guys! So this is 100% a brand new-unpublished chapter! I feel confident that I will finish this book, regarding that I had the passion to continue writing months later!

So, about this chapter. It mentions rape--rape or any for assault (sexual or not) is wrong beyond reason. In this chapter, I by no mean want to downplay or romanticize rape--because it should not be...it deserves awareness and having resources for people who were victims. While it may seem like I was downplaying it--please, I was not and will never take such a serious subject lightheartedly!

If you have been assaulted--there are places to help--and talking is the first step!

Also, guys, be honest...do you like the new cover?


We were back on the road, and the quiet town was fading behind us. And the road brought us back to the mangled in the woods.

"Where is the Licking Bridge?" she asked.

I wasn't sure I wanted to tell her.

I didn't want her to know.

Because maybe she'd save me.

No...not save. Preventing me from doing it won't be saving me.

It'll be making things worse. (again, not true)

"Not important," I mumbled, trying to ignore her.

She rolled her eyes and began drumming on the dashboard.

I faintly recognized the song, but I couldn't pinpoint it.

"What song?" I asked.

"Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day," she said, now humming the song.

Of course, the song began coming back to me.

Green Day.

That was his favorite band. He always played it in his room.

I remember the night. The night he ruined me.

I must have been making a face because Ruby stopped, "Not a punk fan?"

Coming out of my trance, I swallowed hard. Telling myself not to think about it--not tonight.

"Well...not really...but...just bad memories."

"Oooh," she seemed amused, "I like bad memories. Tell me!"

What the heck? Does this girl no anything about privacy. And still, she won't tell me about herself. It was unfair, everything in that moment seemed unfair.

The faded road, her drunk breath, my plans, his control, everything in this world is unfair.

"I don't want to tell you."

There was silence.

"Fine," she huffed.

Her eyes began roaming the dashboard, and she caught the glance of a picture pinned down.

"Who that?" she said, popping her gum when she should have said 'is.'

"That...." I paused, looking at Melody's luxurious red hair.

I felt uneasy. And sick.

It was a picture of Melody and I a few days before her hospitalization.

We were going to all the 'cool' 'fancy' stores and trying on the most expensive clothes. We dressed in 1,000s of dollars worth of dresses and tried on shoes whose heels were so sharp they can be used as a weapon.

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