How Could You?!

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~The Next Day At Rehearsal~

~{Bianca's P.O.V}~

My head is still spinning from last night, and I haven't gotten much sleep so I'm off balance today. The way he pinned me against the wall made me feel sick to my stomach, and I was afraid he was going to do something to me. Thank God he didn't, but this means I have to let him walk all over me more now more than ever. I wouldn't want something to actually happen to me because I don't know what he might do next time.

Denise came across the room and sat beside me. She already knew about the whole situation last night.

"So whatchu gonna do now?" she asked, sprawling her fingers across her dance pants.

"I'm just gonna stay my behind as far from him as possible, I still don't know what got into him!" I threw my hands up.

"Well I'm with you 100%, but if he comes to you then you really have no choice ya know."

"True." I nodded in agreement.

"Well... There's like a room full of people so I don't think he's gonna try anything" she looked unsure about what she said but it seemed logical though.

"I don't know Dee, you just never know when you're dealing with 'The Prince'"

"Just trust me okay?" she smiled at me and showed her winner pearly whites.

"Okay girl" I smiled, "Let's get ready for rehearsal" I got up and felt really dizzy, not to mention tired as hell, making it really hard for me to concentrate.  Just as we were doing stretches and our warm up, the boys walked in the room.  Princeton's eyes locked directly on mine. He smiled a devilish smile that sent shivers down my spine.

"Okay," he started, "I'm in charge since Keisha is at a very important meeting. And since last night was almost a complete disaster, I want you guys to rehearse for the next show in Chicago. And I don't want you guys to stop until it is perfect." He eyed me up and down and cracked a sly smile.

"Alright y'all, let's start." I clapped my hands together and counted off. 

"5,6,7,8!" I yelled to signal off the choreography as we did the same moves as we did before. Only this time, I could see out of the corner of my eye that Princeton was watching me closely.   Just as we dropped on the floor to finish our move, Princeton interrupted.

"Ugh, that was sloppy! Do the drop again!" he shouted and folded his arms back.   We did the move and he interrupted again.

"Do it again! It needs to be perfect since you guys can't seem to get anything right." he scoffed.   Each time we did the drop, he kept making us do it over again and my body wasn't cooperating with me well.  He went on and kwot doing this for a good 10 minutes until one of the boys spoke up.

"Don't you think that's enough drops for today?" asked Roc who was looking at his phone.

"Yeah," agreed Ray Ray, "If I hear them do another drop, Imma drop dead too!" I shook me head and giggled at him. He saw me laughing and smiled while giving me a wink, which made me blush.  Princeton saw what was going on and his face turned red with anger.

"Well since y'all wanna laugh so much, then do it again!" he glared at me. "And y'all better not say shit either," he added pointing to the the boys.  We did more drops and I kept getting dizzier and dizzier. My eyelids were heavy and soon enough, they closed.

~{Bianca's Dream}~

I was standing in a dark room with barely any light in it. I looked at myself and I was also naked. Suddenly all the lights came on, and there stood Princeton with a whip in his handHe drew back his hand and lashed the whip onto my bare skin.

"Aaagghh!!" I wailed at the top of my lungs while he cackled and drew the whip back again. It was coming towards me when: SPLASH!!!

~{End of Dream}~

I opened my eyes only to find Denise, the boys, and Princeton standing over me with a bucket in his hand.  I felt a rush of cold take over my body. I felt soaked and I tried to stand up, only to find that I was drenched in water.  I spun on my heel and was face to face with a smiling Princeton. 

"Are you okay?" he asked acting 'sincere', but I knew he was just waiting for me to do something to say something to him.  I couldn't take it anymore. My eyes welled up with tears and I balled my fists. I knew I had no power whatsoever and that made me feel hopeless and like a piece of shit. I ran out the rehearsal room and got into my car to head home. 

I burst through the door of my apartment and ran into the bathroom. I stripped from my clothes and hopped in the shower. I took a long, warm shower to clear my head of all what had happened, but I just couldn't seem to. And that dream I had while I was unconscious? What did it mean? I dried myself off and put on my pajamas while the questions still raced through my head. Even though it was only 7:13, I went to bed anyway.

How could I have ever had a crush on someone who could do this to me?

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