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Another story I wrote while listening to BTS


Alec POV

Saltwater dripped down my forehead, causing my hair to stick to it. My body ached but I refused to halt my actions. My face was probably a bright red at this point and my eyelids were heavy with exhaustion.

I forced my legs to move faster, striking the air with sharper hits. A rush of adrenaline passed through me as I temporarily flew through the air.

I was weightless for a moment before my feet hit the tile with an almost silent 'thud'. I took a deep breath, pausing before falling to my knees, my legs finally giving out after hours of torture.

I collapse forward and lay my head on the cool ground, sighing at the relief it brought me.

Once again, saltwater ran down my face, traveling down my cheeks in large droplets.

My life was falling apart in front of me-and there was nothing I could do about it.

I couldn't even complete a few simple steps without making a mistake.

My breathing started to fail, the feelings of shame, humiliation, and regret weighing down on me as his words rang in my ears.

He grabbed the collar of my shirt, yanking me up to my feet before sending a blow across my cheek with the palm of his hand.

"I will kill you!"

My back hit the ground, the reflective shards tearing into my already stained shirt.

"You deserve this, you little shit!"

The whistle in the wind alerted me of the incoming attack, but did nothing to prepare me for the blows against my side.

"You killed her! It's all your fault!"

My vision darkened as meaty hands grab me, pushing onto my windpipe and blocking my access to oxygen.

"You're no son of mine!"

Just as I thought it was over for the day, a strip of leather came down on my backside, tearing a scream out of my throat.

"Just looking at you makes my blood boil!"

A bottle broke against my jacket sleeve as I raised my arms, shielding my face from the oncoming cuts.

"Go to hell!"

Footsteps approached me, bringing the stench of liquor and cigarettes with it.

"Seeing you does nothing but bring me feelings of stigma."

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