Beautifully Flawed

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Beautifully Flawed

By: Jasmine Allen

My hair is not blonde, flowy or long.

There are times where I feel week, but I am to be strong.

I am beautifully flawed...

My body carries stretch marks,

And my thighs jiggle when I walk.

I am beautifully flawed...

I suffer from acne, and oily skin...

Dang it! Another pimple has made its way on my chin.

I am beautifully flawed...

My teeth aren't made for a crest ad, and I am fine with that.

It's funny, because when I brush my teeth, I can spit water from between my gap.

I am beautifully flawed...

I try my hardest to manage my weight.

But there are some days, I cannot resist that piece of cake.

I am beautifully flawed...

I get mad, and curse, and even want to hit.

I can get so angry, I can damn right spit.

I am beautifully flawed...

As quickly as I anger, I can also be just as timid and shy.

And watching that episode of Barney can make me cry.

I am beautifully flawed...

My heart can be filled with so much love, that I'll give the shirt off my back.

I can break down my barriers so much, it's not until too late, I find the other person's love is of lack.

I am beautifully flawed...

There are days I am moody.

There are days I am okay.

There are days when I dance.

There are days when I say...

I can no longer endure this pain...

God, where are you,

As I sit out in this cold rain?

Beautifully flawed.

Flawed beautifully.

It really doesn't matter, as long as you wear your crown gracefully.

Have no regrets, and grow from your past.

Only then, you'll find the love for yourself which will last.

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