Chapter 1

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I rubbed my lightly calloused finger across my bottom lip as I watched from the back of the assembled

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I rubbed my lightly calloused finger across my bottom lip as I watched from the back of the assembled. My eyes calculating; trying to decide on what to do. 

These past few years have been a trial for me. I've tried everything I possibly could to assauge Helena from her dislike of me. I'm not even sure what I've done to make my daughter hate me so much. One thing I noticed was that it increased when I was around any guys. 

Because of this observation I had decided to focus solely on my Star practice as well as healing. My internal injuries had healed completely last year and during that time I broke through again. When I made it to 8 Stars Damon had thrown a party and made everyone participate. It was exceedingly difficult for a woman in Meridia to reach 8 Stars. There were a very rare few who made it to 9 Stars. 

Over the years I've learned how to harness and control that Blood Flower Marking. After numerous experiments I've found that I could nick myself and use my blood as a type of essence drain. Anything that my blood touches can be drained dry by it. 

Another thing that seemed disturbing was the changes to my appearance. Damon had taken me to a Healer and asked for them to make sure nothing was wrong. My eyes were now blood red and my hair completely white. It had started off with my white and pink hair fighting for dominance with the red and the blue and pink eyes fighting with the red. One day something seemed to snap inside of me and when I looked in the mirror I watched as the color drained from my hair from top to bottom and seemed to fill into my eyes. 

Although I say that they are red it is more as if they are various shades of red and dark pink; like the color that had previously been in my hair. I liked the new colors but it seemed to scare Damon for some reason. I'm not sure what I could tell him though. 

Oh yes, Brother, I've been having strange dreams about a red headed female with red eyes and somehow it seems as though I'm beginning to take on her coloring. 

I doubt that would make him feel better... Not only that but I began to do research on a few things. It... was something scary, at least to myself. 

There was a need inside myself for answers on what was happening to me. I'd gone through books on hair and eye color to see if there was anything on natural changes but found nothing aside from mood swings could effect the pigment. Afterwards I began to search through Nature Elemental books to see if the problem was with my element but again came back with nothing that matched. 

When I thought that there was nothing left to look for, I decided to sit down with a strange leather bound book I found on reincarnation. Inside there was a section on Naming. It hadn't looked all that important but I thought to humor myself. 

It hadn't been funny once I began to read. 


This book seems interesting. I've not seen anything about Reincarnation since I've come to this world. 

In my hands was a black leather bound book that resembled more of a journal than a 'classical' book. A tweed rope intersected into an x, holding it closed. I frowned at that but used a bit of my Magic and untied it. Strangely, when my Magic touched the rope it seemed to sing. 

I frowned but continued with opening it up. The first section read:

Naming: The power of Naming an Immortal Soul

There have been many who, in honor of those they love, name their child after someone else. Meridia is a Realm where a Name holds power and can steer a child towards a certain path. Some believe that naming a child is wrong because the name can mould them into someone they're not. 

Normal Souls, when named, will take on subtle similarities to the original but not anything overly noticeable. For instance: If a child is named after their Grandfather who was often found inside of a Library reading, the child will most likely grow up loving books. 

Rarely there are those who hold an Immortal Soul; a soul born from two Immortals and sent to the world to live. It is believed that the only Immortals allowed to live in the Immortal Plain are those created from that world's essence. One who is created from two immortals is to weak to survive and thus transported to Humanity. 

Unfortunately, when an Immortal is Named they will take on the aspects that the Soul feels is most beneficial to it. More often than not, they're named after no one of importance. There was only one case where an Immortal Soul was named after something it should not. If they are named after a thing, ideal, emotions et c. they will often personify these things.

I closed the book as my heart began to race with the words. Is that what's wrong with me? It made an odd sort of sense. Instead of being happy that I figured it out though, I was really upset. No wonder. No wonder my past life was so terrible. I never had a chance. 

~Flashback End~

Thinking back it still makes my blood simmer with anger. I'd began to think that the red head was me from a previous life. Her name had been Inclementia; named by that Prince. My previous life, my name was Malady. This life my name is Lily. 

Each life.. I was influenced by this Naming. What of my 'parents' though? Why have these immortals never once visited me? My teeth clenched in anger before I let it go. 

It didn't matter. I was Lily and not these others. My eyes went back to the Ceremony that was taking place in front of me. Helena had recently turned 12 and this was her Unlocking Ceremony. Even if she hated me, I would still continue to love her. . Then again, maybe that was a biproduct of the Naming. 

I shook my head to dislodge those morbid thoughts and turned my attention back to the front. 

"Clairmount, Helena?"

Helena stepped forward from the line she was standing in. During these few years I've noticed how much more materialistic she's become. Before she didn't mind getting a bit dirty or wearing random clothing articles. Most of her clothing were really expensive. Recently a boy moved into the Nest with his parents and his Mother was a famous leather tanner. Helena had begged for Mrs. Biel to craft her a fancy pair of shoes. 

I'd been against it at first but she threw a huge tantrum and I gave in. It had begun to become increasingly difficult to treat Helena how I used to ever since my dreams kept pilfering in homicidal thoughts of my previous life. Most of the time I shifted my thoughts into different compartments. 

Helena walked forward and set her hands on the Unlocking Crystal. Her head held high and a slight haughty smirk on her face as she waited. There was a brief light and then a few journals with her name dropped into her hands. 

The man who was conducting the test whispered something to her, probably the results, and Helena lashed her head back as if smacked. 


A/N: I'm going to explain what she had meant with the Flashback. Inclementia means Harshness or Cruelty which means that she had become the embodiment of those things. Malady means sickness which means in her previous life she was the embodiment of sickness; Cancer. This life her name is Lily which is often used in conjecture to Motherhood, Purity, Rememberance, and Transitioning. 

When her Soul transitioned into this body, Lily's, this Naming allowed her to Remember her previous life and as years went by it began to allow her to remember the life she had before the previous life. Does this answer a few of your questions? Well, I have had a .. alright day so I am going to post this for now. 

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