Chapter 5

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A/N: If for some reason this chapter seems different from the rest.. it's because I'm using my cellphone as opposed to my laptop. My charger isn't working for it so I've devolved to having to use my phone. If there are any mistakes please let me know. All of my work is unedited and it's just me. I get no help for it. Just to make sure you're aware why some things don't make complete sense.

"How'd the job go?"

Vincent and Leo both looked over to me when I stepped into the room that they had adjourned to.

"Fine. Though to be honest, I'm more concerned with what has been going on with the rest of our... associates."

Leo looked on with amusement as he flipped through some sort of book with pictures of men and women in various stages of undress. I looked at him with mild disgust before turning my attention back to Vincent.

"What do you mean," my confusion filtered through my question.

"There has been talk of Jobs being ambushed or corrupt. Many names have blackened in the Information Room. I've asked Taki about it but he hasn't been very forthcoming," Vincent answered as he leaned back against the cushioned chairs backing.

These past few years Vincent has seemed to come out of his shell some but sometimes he seemed as though his teenaged hormones were out of whack. Currently he was giving me information on the goings on but seemed angry with every word he spoke.

I ignored the anger though while I contemplated what he was saying. There was obviously something happening. Damon had begun to refuse me Jobs for a while now.

"I'm surprised we were allowed to hunt this time. Though, it does make sense. Wouldn't want our cute Vinny starving," Leo chuckled softly as he spoke up but kept his eyes on the book. He had it sideways and his head tilted while examining something. Best not to know.

Vincent sent Leo a glare before letting out a huff of indignation.

It had been brought to our attention about Vincent being an Emoreiken a bit back. I didn't mind though. Vincent had saved me from that hell so I didn't care what he needed to eat, so long as it wasn't Lily or I.

"You guys didn't have any trouble with the Job?"

I walked into the room and grabbed a wooden chair before sitting on it backwards. My arms crossed over the top before I set my chin on them to regard both of the guys.

Vincent sent a glare at Leo as if daring him to say something but Leo merely smirked without taking his eyes off the images in front of him.

"None that were unusual," He paused in thought before continuing, "I did have a slight problem last time though."

Leo set down his book and straightened at the same time that I did. We both looked at Vincent seriously.

"Are you talking about the time you came home with your arm barely attached," I hissed out between my teeth.

Leo looked just as pissed off as I. Although we may not show it much, the three of us have become similar to brothers. If the brothers in question often nearly killed one another that is.

"I just had a slight misshap is all. They'd surrounded me before I could hit the emergency Rune. Considering the fact that it was on the arm that was nearly detached.. well I'm surprised I was able to activate it."

"Why didn't you tell us," Leo asked from where he sat. When I glanced over I could see his hands clenching.

I've noticed one thing about Leo since I've known him. He hated being helpless in protecting those he considered 'his'.

"I made it out alive so I felt there was no need to worry everyone needlessly. Plus, Damon and Taki have been busy trying to counter the attacks made on our Organization. I felt it pointless to bring to attention another attack since they've been aware of them for the past year or so."

"That's completely different, Vincent. You're not just some random grunt sent out on Missions. You weren't even on a normal Job. It was simply you getting something to eat. There should be no way that they were able to track you through the usual means."

We all knew that the jobs Vincent took weren't listed in the usual database. Most of the people he fed on were people that reminded the both of us of our childhood. If you can call it that.

"There's got to be a spy in our midst," Leo whispered ominously from where he sat. When glancing over at him I noticed the slight smirk. Although he was being serious about the comment he still made it seem as though he were joking.

"Not a pleasant thought," I stated.

"Maybe I should let Damon or Taki know. It wouldn't seem strange for someone to be able to track the assignments our fellow Assassins take up but for someone to know about my ... feedings, means that they are privy to information that most wouldn't."

"Not necessarily, my dear Vinny. There are ways to procure information without needing to be in the same room or even in close proximity."

Vincent and I didn't say anything, opting to wait until he elaborated on his findings.

He realized that we were waiting and gave a dramatic sigh, "Honestly! Do you both disregard History?! I expected as much from our lovely Nathaniel but you as well vinny?"

I've come to realize that Leo had a liking for fanfare and dramatics. He also didn't seem adverse to the sex of an individual when he worked his 'charms'.

"Over a millenia ago," He began and I groaned at the impending lecture that was sure to come. Leo seemed to love History lessons more than Magic itself.

He ignored the groan and continued with a playful glare and pout, "A long time ago, there were two warring Clans. Both labeled on two separate sides of a spectrum. It's all circumvent on their true nature's though. Wild speculations list one as 'evil' and the other as 'good'. My opinion though is that people chose the differentiation based solely on images. You see, one side was Demons and the other Elves.
Among the Demons there were those that were hideous in appearance as well as some gifted with ethereal beauty. Their people were ones who accepted all of their kind irregardless though. It is thought that the Elves were different. If one of their kind didn't match 'standards' those children were either killed or shunned from their society.
Unfortunately, due to the constant gentle masks the Elves wore and their ungodly beauty, Humans saw them as pure and good.
During the war among the two Species the Elves learned ways of tracking the Demons. Elves have a different type of magic compared to Star Users; they're capable of using the elements. Not all of them, mind you. Each Elf masters a single Element but what mastery they have over these Elements can be considered Godly.
After the Demons realized that the Elves could spy on them using the natural Elements they were forced to ward all their living and working spaces."

He stopped after that short historical knowledge he briefed us on.

"Perhaps we should discuss this with Damon. It would be best if you could recall where you read it and if there was any information on how they actually warded these places."

I got up from my chair and beckoned Vincent to follow me as Leo went off to the Library in search of the book he'd happened across with the information.

A/N: I don't know how this turned out since I'm using my cellphone but I hope it's not to bad. 😅😅😅

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