Chapter 8

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"I'm not happy with what I said... I can't say it with feeling but... it's like the emotion's there"

Mordon was in the process of doing another test for his Paralid host research and was extracting blood from me for a chemical test. He seemed not to pay attention, but something already told me that he was troubled.

"Siven... your anger could lead to a lot of problems"

Dabbing the microscopic hole with a sealant to clean the wound and protect it from infections, Mordon carried the tiny vial that held my blood warmly in its cold embrace.

"Look, Lo is my best friend -always has been. His father raised and loved him despite the fact that he was an artificial. He may not be all human, but he really didn't need such a strong emotion penetrating his defenses so quickly"


Trying not to feel too overwhelmed by the emptiness threatening to claim what was left of the calm I could not reach, I sighed heavily before slipping off the examination table and heading into the living area of the lab. Mordon had informed me that Apollo could not be contacted in any manner and that gave us enough reason to spend more time decoding the complex mystery of the Paralid breeding system. 

"Why the long face, kid?"

The voice alone had irritated me, but the sight of Voe as she swung herself onto the couch threw me into a silent rage only my blood could hear yelling. She seemed to be in high spirits: she probably earned her pay for any bedroom 'research' she had to finish.

"No reason"

"'No reason?' That's the nicest thing you've said since the last time we spoke"

"Last time, I threw you with a coldsteel chair. Forgive me if I wasn't a fucking whore trying to get into your panties by being sweet."

Laughing as she answered, Voe's head rolled back in delight making it seem almost as if she were choking. How I would have loved it if she really were. 

"You're a challenge! I like it."

Before I could find a weapon deadly enough to toss viciously at Voe's head, Mordon came in and patted me on the shoulder twice to let me know that he was in the room. I stared at him as he joined my side and stared back. My eyes begged him to let me take a chance at hurting Voe enough to satisfy my raging bloodlust but Mordon was stern in both stance and stare. 

"Remember what we discussed. Voe, get a fucking boyfriend and stop upsetting Ven."

"Ven? 'Voe and Ven: best frenemies. Ha! I love it!"

Voe's laugh turned into a witchy cackle but was still as sexual and tantalizing as usual. She seemed to enjoy making a fighting out of me in the hopes of exercising her wit and nonchalance.

"Sorry Mo, but I have no time for commitment"

"That explains your professional life more than its supposed to"

Diverting her attention toward me, I could tell there was a shift in Voe's mood as she donned a venomous smile.


Pleased that I had finally struck a nerve, I let out a small smile so that Voe could not sense the satisfaction I revelled in at that moment. Mordon pinched me and in response, I playfully punched him in the arm and laughed before sensing shock ripple through my body.

I stared at Voe and watched her face as it froze into an expression of surprise but it was not looking at mine and Mordon's teasing. Turning to face the doorway, I could not help to let the same expression slip. 

"You. . ."

"You have something I want"

Pointing his pistol at me, I could not feel slightly nauseated at the thought of suffering physical pain of any kind by the hands of a lowlife. 

"What are you talking about?"

Mordon was pointing his pistol at the perpetrator standing in the room without the slightest expression on his face but I could sense an emotion that perhaps everyone shared.


"Her. She's got my eggs. Look at this demon!"

Spitting the words in disgust as he gestured with his pistol at my eyes. Everyone was aware of a host's appearance, and thus, this alienated us into becoming the victims of an undesirable stigma that spread like a wildfire within the Barrier. 

"You need to come with me so I can get them back. They were always mine!"

"She's not going anywhere! You better get out of here before. . ."

"Before what? You shoot me? Call the fuzz? Geez, you're a fucking pathetic waste. Society doesn't need you... you lizard-lickers!"


Voe seemed to be moved into silence and sat paralyzed on the couch. I always knew she was a freaking kitten when it came to facing the tigers in the concrete jungle. I, on the other hand, had been through way worse than facing the receiving end of a gun and stood expressionless. Slumping, I yawned loudly and tilted my head. He must have freaked out, because the shooter's hands shook slightly.

"Guy. . ."

Staring at me in shock and disbelief, Lattimore gasped slightly as tiny beads of sweat ran across his forehead.

". . .You're a fucking idiot"

"Wh- what did you-"

A gunshot was heard as Guy slumped onto the ground nursing his injured gun-wielding arm. 

"Never underestimate a kid."

"You kept the ammu?"

Mordon smiled as he patched up Guy's arm and then tied him to the examination table in a laying position. 

"I never leave home without it"

"Where's Voe?"

"Probably cleaning up her make-up. She cried like a little bitch but apparently I'm the kid"

Laughing, Mordon joined my side and crossed as his arms as he stared at Guy wriggling and yelling curses on the table. Never had I been as amused yet serious as I was watching someone struggling in torment.

"What you gonna do with Guy?"

"I'll leave that up to you, Ven. You scare him enough to get him to answer."

Smiling devilishly as I slipped over to the table and stared down at Guy in the scariest way I possibly could, slight laughs escaped my throat as he began to struggle with more force, yelling to the walls in his ailing.

"Tell me what I wanna know or I'll possess your soul"

"Y-you...can't do that!"

"Who says? After all, I'm a demon"



The room was a carnival of emotion and the rollercoaster was one Mordon and I enjoyed whilst Guy screamed through the ride.

"Tell me!"

Grabbing his wounded arm and tightening my grip, I watched as blood seeped through Guy's checkered shirt, the cries growing louder as he squirmed in agony.

"It was that-that... works at... Necronus!"

Apollo? No. . . it couldn't be. . .


Digging my nails into his skin, I could feel the flesh parting slightly even through the thin fabric that was now stained red. No longer was I amused but rather inquisitive and worried. If Apollo had betrayed me, I had no reason to trust Mordon either as they were close friends since young. I was an outsider to both and stood in the way of their closure.

"That doctor's bitch! That whore that shot my men!"

"Kyrin. . .?"

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