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I still remember
The day we laid eyes on each other
I saw myself in you
And I saw happiness.

The reflection I saw
In your eyes
Were different from
From what I see in others.

The sound of laughter
I heard from us
Were not the same
As I how I laugh with others.

The first time
You laid your skin on mine,
It took all my problems away
In just a second.

The time you painted my lips with yours
As if it was a blank canvas,
It took a second for me to realize
That my heart was once again getting glued together.

The moment you made me as your universe
It was when we were each other's lovers
It was when we promised each other sweet lies
It was when there was still an "us"

But as far as I know,
Lover always has an over
Sweet words are the most decieving lies and;
"Us" only stands for Unhappy Story for  the two of us

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