Chapter 9 - Never ditch parties

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Tip#7 - Never ditch parties.

Relationship quote : A man knows what type of woman he can disrespect . If you're being disrespected and all you do is cry ,and stay in the relationship ,then you're the type he knows he can disrespect . -- TonyGaskins.

Warning ! Warning !
Intense sexual scenes will be showed in this chapter ,matured languages will be used also .


WHAT the hell was he doing with her , sitting there and acting all nice around her .

Everyone knew that Antonio Adalberto was a dangerous man , New York's biggest player and womanizer .

Well.....everyone knew that except Kelly , she was new here and had no idea of who she was talking to .

As soon as out eyes met , She looked away quickly , I took a sip of my champagne ,trying as much as possible to stay calm and not walk over there to strangle the f*cker.

I watched as two blonde women played with their hair as the eyed me , trying their best to seek attention but that was something they couldn't have .

My attention was only focused on a certain black haired woman who had the power to change my world .

I  then focused my attention on the two busty blonde women and how their cheeks flushed when I smirked at them. They both wore very revealing dresses , I swear I could see their nipples straining through the clothe .

They both walked over to me , and that's when I realized that their dresses were fuckin' short .
Thank God ! for self control because I was almost losing it .

"Hi , I'm Lucinda , this is my best friend Christina ,we.....

I swear I couldn't hear any thing they were saying , from the corner of my eyes , I watched Kelly , and I lost it when her hands were on his shoulder , his hands on her thigh as she tried to push it off her

"We were wondering if -

"Excuse me ladies , I must leave now " I cut them off by saying and that left with two sexually frustrated blonde women hissing at me.

I walked past them and stalked towards Kelly and Antonio . Rage burning through me as I came close to them .

I cleared my throat ,startling them both .

"Oh! Harry , I wasn't expecting you " Kelly started .

"I can clearly see that "

Antonio met my eyes and smirked at me. That annoying smirk that had all the ladies falling for him .


"Don't you have a woman to fuck ? " I asked ,my heated gaze boring a hole through his head .

He cocked his head to the side and grinned .

" I do ....but I think I've found one of my interest " He said and looked at Kelly who was already red as a tomato .

To hell with that ! ,two can play this game .

I grabbed a chair and sat close to Kelly and wrapped my hands around her waist firmly and gave  Antonio my 'Fuck off ' look.

I smiled at him and mouthed the word ' She's taken ' , he stood up slowly and pecked Kelly on her cheek .

"Call me if you need me " he stated and left .

"You're calling no one , now hand me your phone " I started

"What's with you and him ,anyway ? "

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