Chapter 28 -The biggest mistake of my life.

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Ignore grammatical errors.


I can do this,I can do this ,it's just a meeting ,nothing big . I didn't know how long I kept that in my head , but I couldn't stop saying it.

I knitted my brows as I scrolled through my phone , my eyes going back and forth between Harry and the woman he was talking to . I would admit ,I didn't like the way he was always crowded with desperate bunch of bimbos ,my heart twisted as something deep formed inside of me , hate ? ,anger ? ,jealousy ? , I looked away and tried to focus on the article I was reading ;

How to get your man to never leave youI scrolled past that ,my eyes not wanting to take in any details. I suddenly gave up and turned off the phone , all the article headlines seemed to be about men ,money and love ,and I wasn't in the right state of mind to know any of that .

My mind was preoccupied , visiting Harry's mum brought a lot of tension , even with the fur coat on my body , my body still felt chilly ,desperately begging for warmth and most of all , attention .

As if hearing my thoughts , I felt Harry's eyes on me , I played with the zipper on my bag trying to distract myself from his gaze , but he was no fool , I was damn readable .

I quickly got up and found my way to the bathroom , feeling bored out of my skin , as my body ached with tension and jealousy . I found my way to the sink , splashing the cold water on my face as I looked at myself in the mirror.

My black hair was shorter now , I wanted to look professional and billionaire girlfriend worthy , so I had dressed up in a white  dress , adorned with gold embroideries at the top . My short hair gave me this classy look that screamed professional .

I looked at my watch ,silently cursing myself for being on this plane . I grabbed my phone ,turned it on and turned it off. I didn't know what to do
with it anymore . I was so occupied within myself that I didn't notice Harry walk in.

His cold hands against my cheek startled me as I looked up and said nothing , I couldn't utter a word , his presence was magnificent , shutting down every single form of speech inside of me.

I stared blankly and Harry waved a hand at me as he said "Are you alright ? You look like you have a lot on your mind ".

I didn't know the answer to that. Was I alright ? ,Probably  not , I was in the worse state of mind ,trying to figure out how I could handle seeing his mum , I just couldn't get the thought of making a complete fool of myself in front of her , maybe ,slipping and landing on my ass on the floor .

" I'm fine " I managed to say and Harry wasn't buying it , he never bought any of my lies , maybe because I was a bad liar and couldn't construct a proper lie.

"I'm not going to believe that , I've noticed you keep a lot from me and don't want you shutting me out of your thoughts "

"I don't - I mean , I don't know "

"Is it my mum ? I told you ,you don't have to go "

"What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't ? ,I want to impress her "

"The perfect kind ,you're perfect and you don't have to do something you're not comfortable doing ".

I let out a sigh and wrapped my hands around me , my head spinning round as I looked at the ceiling and said " I can't do this , I want to go home "

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