Chapter 30- SH*T HAPPENS

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Hey guys!!, I'm back, OMG, you guys don't know what the hell has been going on. Finally done with high school!!. So now I can focus on this book... I'm sorry .. For not updating early and breaking my promise.... I'm so sorry.

Harry and Kelly have a lot of tea for y'all this month.... Enjoy babies... 💗.

[HARRY'S POV] 3 months later

"You need to be more responsible!"

"What do you mean by responsible?, aren't I good enough for you?".

"You're the only one I trust to keep this company going, I've heard from my sources that you let down Asia's biggest investor, Mu Chen"

I rubbed my hand across my face, as I let out a sigh of frustration, I hated it when he got like this.

" It was for a good reason" I tucked my hand in my front pocket as I stared directly into his eyes.

This wasn't the first time we were having this kind of conversation, it was either investors or the women in my life.... Speaking of women, No, I probably shouldn't, a week, just a week, I silently told myself.

I could do this, I guess. My attention went back to my Dad who was talking about something related to the company, as usual, all he did was complain.

My ears shot up when I heard him mention Kelly.

"..... I told that low life to stay away from you, but I could have known better that she. wouldn't listen...

" You just called her a low life, is that how you look at everyone else that's below you? I care about her a lot... telling her to leave won't change anything" I paused for a moment, trying to show respect for the man " I have to leave now, I'm trying to respect your opinion, I'll do what I must do, but don't expect anything more"

As I walked past him, the feeling of fear washed over me, I didn't want Kelly getting hurt, I didn't know how far my Dad was willing to take I and Kelly's relationship, her happiness mattered a lot to me.


I looked down from the balcony, my favorite wine in my hand, so I wax taking a break, a break from everything that had just happened, a break from work, a break from Kelly... I hated this particular break but I had to do it.

I needed to tell Kelly how I felt about her, the way her eyes lit up whenever she talked, how captivating her smile was and he soft and luscious her lips tasted and felt, but that was all gone now.


"Son, you have a lot to learn and I have a lot to teach , seeing that you have lost your senses " My father said with a stern voice.

"I love her , Dad ! " I exclaimed and the room fell silent .

"Love ? " He let out a low chuckle " What do you know about love ? , she's only warming your bed and you call that love ? "

I couldn't listen to him anymore , I stumped out of the room .

What if he's right ?

Did I only give Kelly sex ?

Was that the only thing she was giving me ?

Come to think of it , we never really went on dates , or actually spend time together .

Do I love her ?

I grabbed my phone and called her , but she wasn't answering .

I decided to send her a text.

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