Thirty Six.

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Sorry if this chapter is not up to par, I kind of wrote it in chunks since I'm so busy! x


"Skylar..." Zimm calls as he enters the office after his lunch break. 

He waves me over to follow him so I save what I'm working on and stand from my chair.  He leads me over to his desk and sits down, turning on his screen.  The office is still nearly empty, only a few of us that worked through lunch sit at our desks.

"Take a seat," he smiles, motioning to the chair set beside his desk. 

I do as he says and sit down, curious to know why he's called me over.  Nothing has come up in the last few days that I should be concerned about, so it's a mystery to me what he has to say.  My mind jumps to Harry and I, how Zimm said that I was a distraction to Harry.  We've been good the past couple days, definitely better with being focused than before because we know we can see each other after work. 

A lot of my mind has cleared since Harry and I decided we were going to see what happens between us.  I've stopped worrying about what I'm feeling for him or what is happening with us.  I've even stopped the constant battle of figuring out what I want to happen between us.  I feel completely free to do what I please without having to question my actions.  I get to see where this goes and make a decision, I don't have to decide blindly whether Harry is still the person he was and whether or not I want him in my life.  I get to look in now. I get to decide based on what I see and not just what I guess at.

"What's up, Scott?" I ask, crossing my legs as I lean back slightly in the chair.

"I want to show you something, see what you think," he tells me, running his forefinger over his bottom lip thoughtfully as his eyes flash across the screen. 

He turns the computer monitor in my direction and I lean forward to see what he's showing me.  On the screen, I recognize the ad Zayn had created for Pear but never intended on being used.  Confused, I look back at Zimm for an explanation.  "Tell me what you think," he prompts again, resting his elbows on his desk.

"Um, I think... I really like it.  The colors contrast the solid shade of the phone. it could be used to advertise either the white or black phone, although white would probably be best as it would stand out more," I say, pausing as I word my next question carefully.  I get the vibe I'm not supposed to have seen this already.  "Can I ask you what this is?"

"This is the newest ad from Apple, for their newest version of the iPhone set to release next year," he says and I have to fight from showing the shock on my face. 

Scott's icy blue eyes are hard and his jaw is clenched slightly as he looks over the ad one last time.  He turns back to me, his expression softening and a look of exhaustion over coming his features. 

"Look, Skylar," Scott sighs, leaning over his desk and motioning for me to come closer.  I lean in as well, my heart beating loudly in anticipation to find out what this is all about.  "I have reason to believe - and I hate to say it but I think our department is corrupted.  Apple advertising is part of a different company funded entirely by Apple themselves and strictly for their products."

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