Nikki's pov
"We didn't know you guys had the same flight tonight! Amy can take you guys" my mom said to me and Harry. I didn't protest or anything there was no point. So I just nodded with a smile and went up stairs to pack my bags.
"Hey sis" Amy said coming in and closing the door. She knew what had happened and knew how I felt.
She took a seat on my bed as I put my things back into my suitcase.
"Maybe he has changed, you guys talked yesterday. I heard you guys talking" she said. I nodded.
"It's just so hard. To look at him and see his smile. To see how happy and successful he became. I'm successful too but.... I'm not as happy. I wish he hadn't done what he did. When I was with him in the summer before he left, it was the best time of my life. I felt so alive so free and then it's like he took that all with him when he up and left" I explained to her. She nodded.
"Talk to him on the flight maybe?" She said. I stayed silent and just zipped my suitcase.
She sighed putting her hand on mine making me stop.
"Nikki, that girl and that boy, that summer love is still in there. Deep down somewhere. You just need to find it again" she said before she got up and walked out of my room.
I grabbed my things and walked downstairs. Harry and his mom had brought his things over already when they came to see my mom and my sister and me.
"Alright mom, I'll call you after my flight" I told her. I hugged her tight and she kissed my cheek.
She walked me out to Amy's car and said bye to me. Anne and Harry gave each other a hug then he got in the car. I let him sit in the front and I sat in the back. My sister was having a conversation with him and it seemed like this car ride took forever.
Finally we pulled up to the airport. I got out getting my bag as Harry did.
"I'll come visit you soon" Amy said hugging me. I nodded.
"Call me when you land" she told me. She waved to Harry and we both walked in and checked our bags in.
"Nikki are you okay?" He asked me as we were walking.
"Why wouldn't I be" I replied. Next thing I knew he pulled me into a little space that no one could see us.
"What are you doing" I said to him. He stood in front of me making sure I couldn't just walk away.
"Why won't you just talk to me" he asked me. I knew what he meant but I wasn't going to get into it at the airport.
"We talked yesterday didn't we? We are talking right now" I told him trying to get past him. He grabbed my arms moving me in front of him.
"You know what I mean" he said looking me in my eyes. I looked away and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I exploded.
"You left Harry! You made me feel special and alive and you made me love life again and love myself again and then you left. You left me in London and you went off. You stopped talking to me. I was 18 Harry. You knew what was happening and you said you wouldn't leave and you left me. No calls no texts no nothing you just left me" I said as tears stared to come from my eyes. I went to say more but he pulled me into a tight hug.
I cried into his chest for a good ten minutes before we pulled away.
"I'm sorry I left, I really didn't mean to I just got so wrapped up in work that it never crossed my mind. And when I saw you yesterday my heart hurt because I knew what I'd done. I'd messed up. But I want to be there now I want to see you and talk to you" he said.
I ended up giving in and nodded. We hugged one more time and then I fixed myself up and we walked to our gate.
It didn't feel awkward or anything. For once it felt normal. It felt nice.
"Alright let's get on the plane" he said helping me up. We got on the plane and took our seats. Surprisingly they were next to each other. I was kinda happy about it.
"LA bound" he smiled at me. I smiled back and rested my head on his shoulder.
I ended up falling asleep only for him to wake me up when we got there. We got off the plane then he pulled me aside. Again.
"I have to go out the back way, the fans ya know. You're welcome to come with me if you want" he said. I thought for a moment.
"Do you want me to" I asked him. He nodded his head and I said okay. We went and got our luggage then went the back way.
"What's your number" he asked me. I gave him my number and he ended up driving me back to my house.
"We should do something tomorrow. I'm gunna be here at like ten alright" he said. I nodded and got out the car. He waited till I got inside then he drove away. I went straight to be because hell im tired. Plane rides can make you tired.
I'm just happy that I got to spend time with the old Harry.

Hometown girl-/ Harry Styles
FanficShe was the girl who would laugh at something just to lighten the mood. She was the girl who helped anyone regardless of who they were. She was the girl who saw the beauty in the smallest things not many people would take the time to see. She was th...