Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV
We're supposed to be getting visitors from the snobby rich school. I dreaded it, mainly because they look at anyone not at their level as if they're beneath them. 'Well not like anyone here is gonna catch their attention. Especially me.' I thought to myself. I'm that one invisible person, and the only time my presence is acknowledged is when someone wants to bully me for their own amusement. Everybody here at Kisaragi High thinks I am a mute. 'I am not a mute, I just choose not to talk.' My seat is at the back of the room by the window. The heat radiating from the sun was welcoming. I just sat there staring out of the window with my chin resting in the palm of my hand.

"Class we are having guests come from Ouran Highschool. They will will be learning with you -"

I tuned the rest out. To be honest I was tired as fuck. I already know who is coming and why, though I can't say I am happy about it. I continued my staring session and chanted little mantras inside my head. 'Don't lose your cool when you see her. Don't scream. You must remain call at all times.' I would have continued, but I saw a limo pull up at the school gate. The doors opened up and out came seven figures.

'Why does he keep calling me his daughter?'

I heard all the way from my seat causing my breath to hitch. 'Oh no. I lost focus. I gotta calm down, but that voice. She's here!' No doubt I knew that voice anywhere. I had to focus my mind on nothing but silence. It was much like meditating, but the moment I let my guard down everyone's thoughts flood into my head. When they got closer into my view I fully analyzed them. The moment I saw Haruhi I lost my complete shit. I suddenly stood up causing my desk to fall over. I knew everyone was looking at me, but did I care? Nope. Not one bit. I ran out of the classroom and made my way down to the front of the school, ignoring all of the insults and curses thrown at me. When I made it outside they didn't notice me, so I did the next best thing and yelled.


Said girl looked away from one the twins with a very annoyed face. I could practically feel the irritation radiating off of her. When she saw me she was confused as hell. 'Dammit it's been years since she last saw me.' I raised my arms and showed off the bracelet she had given me when we were younger. I remembered that day I told her that we had to go our separate ways. It was for her own good. After staring at it for a while she looked at me with eyes that said, 'Who the hell are you?!' Right then was when reality hit me like a ton of bricks and I felt like such a dumbass. 'I don't think she remembers me. Then again what if she doesn't want to remember?' I was saddened but I only have myself to blame. 'Now I really am alone.' The thoughts rushed in as I no longer had control. They went unnoticed. I only heard one thought and it was,'She doesn't remember.'

Haruhi's POV
The person in front of me is absolutely crazy. 'How does she know me?' It makes me feel so guilty, I mean who wouldn't. She was happy to see me. I felt a tap on my shoulders and looked to see Kaoru point to the girl with a big 'WTF' face. I looked back to the girl and her were downcast but her was no longer gray but brown. 'I swear she had silver hair. Wait, is that-' My thoughts were cut short when I mumbled.


Said person was floored. A smile wormed it's way onto her face and I swear when she looked up I saw stars in her eyes. Her hair and eyes changed color right in front of us. They were aquamarine. I saw a few stray happy tears leave her eyes. 'How could I have forgotten?' I ran to her and gave her a hug though my head was basically on her chest.

"I missed you."

Tamaki's POV
I have no idea what to do. I've never seen my anything like that before and I don't think anyone else has. I don't know if I should be happy about that fact my daughter actually has a female friend or scared. I calmed my thoughts and looked at the two girls. They seemed happy and I felt content, surprisingly. Plus, this didn't seem like a moment that should be interrupted. After their session Haruhi dragged the girl over here and started introductions.

"Hey guys, this is (y/n)." She said pointing at her.

(Y/N) waved waved and mumbled a quiet 'Hi'. She is just so cuuuute. She looks like she couldn't hurt a fly. 'I wonder how they became friends.'

"(Y/N) this i-"

"It's okay. I know who they are already."

This time it was Haruhi's turn to be surprised. She looked at (y/n) with a very questioning look in her eyes. As if understanding what the girl thought (y/n) spoke up.

"I told you when were younger that I would protect you from my past," she mumbled.

I don't think it was meant for anyone else to hear, but from the looks of it I wasn't the only one. Haruhi merely nodded and was about to speak when a male student came up pulled (y/n) by the hair.


So what did you guys think of the first chapter? I realize that people don't have abilities in the anime or manga but I am putting my own little twist to it. I want to know your thoughts. Even if people don't comment or read I'm going to keep updating it for my own entertainment. Hehe.
I couldn't wait so I ended up posting this chapter early.
Till' next chapter my fellow fangirls

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