Chapter 2

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Tamaki's POV (still)
"What do you think you're doing!?" The male yelled.
I was honestly surprised that one would treat a lady like that. I looked at the female in question and saw that she wasn't fazed at all. 'This girl either has guts or is scared stiff.' (Y/N) gave no response to the male and that seemed to have angered him even more. I looked at Haruhi and saw fear on her face. "Hey, Haruhi. Are you okay?" When she turned to look at me and her eyes were watery.

"She is getting hurt, and I can't do anything about it, so no I'm not okay."

As usual her response was a bit snarky but when was it not. Honey was about to comfort her until she moved forward. She approached the two cautiously and when she was close enough she spoke up.

"Um, excuse me but (y/n) did nothing wrong. Can you please let her go?"

Haruhi may be smart, but right now I don't believe that she is in her right mind. This isn't Ouran, we can't get in other people's problems even if our families (with the exception of hers) have some power in the aristocratic world.

Haruhi's POV

The student turned towards me and slightly glared. It was a failed attempt at intimidating me in my opinion, but I had other things to worry about. I know (y/n) can handle herself, but I can't help the fact that I worry over her not defending herself.

"I'll have you know that all students were given strict instructions to not interfere with you Ouran students and ruin our schools reputation."

'Does he know that he is the one doing that?' I'm sure my face gave away what I was about to do, because (y/n) looked at me and mouthed 'Don't do it'. I nodded my head and she spoke in place of me.

"Prez, I do hope that you realize that by grabbing my hair in such a crude manner you have given an awful impression. I was simply reconciling with an old friend of mine. I believe that the principle will be quite disappointed in you."

To say he was shocked was the understatement of the year. Sadly, what she said only fueled his anger.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Aren't you supposed to be mute?!" He gritted through his teeth.

"You and the rest of the student body only assumed that I was." This, in my opinion, was quite amusing. Not once has anyone seen the student council president lose his cool. I didn't really care about what happened to me as long as he didn't involve Haruhi. I closed my eyes and let his thoughts pour into my mind. 'Stupid bitch thinks she can talk back to me. I will put her in her place and I know exactly how I'm gonna do it.' I opened my eyes only to see him looking at Haruhi. I took a deep breath and told myself that he isn't my father and I don't need to kill him. I heard a several gasps in the background but didn't pay any attention to it.

"Her hair just turned black! That's not normal!"

I looked at Haru-chan for a brief moment before speaking up. With a smile on my face I said, "Ouran students would you kindly retrieve Haruhi?" It went quiet before Morinozuka came and brought Haru-chan back with him to her peers. I nodded a thanks in his direction before grabbing the President's hand and twisting it. He howled in pain and loosened his grip on my hair. "You see prez, I don't like the way you looked at my dear friend." I turned and bent his arm behind his back. "I hate to be the one causing pain so why don't you apologize?" His response? A mere growl. I simply bent his arm further. "Care to repeat that?"

Tamaki's POV

'Well, then. I didn't think someone so timid could pull something like this. She isn't even trying to play nice. The sweet and shy girl from earlier was replaced with someone dangerous.' I scratched my head awkwardly before stepping up to Haruhi. "Should we step in?" She glanced at me before looking back to her friend.

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