Chapter 3

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As I followed Haruhi through the familiar streets to her house I kept a lookout for potential threats. Anything could go wrong, so I have to be on my guard. When we reached the apartment complex I got anxious. 'What will uncle Ranka think? Then again I have been gone so long that I don't even deserve to call him uncle.'

"(Y/N) are you coming?"

When I tuned back in I could see that she is standing at the stairs waiting on me. "Yea, sorry. I kinda got lost in thought."

"Mhm, even though you've changed I can tell when something is bothering you. So- ," she sat down on a step. "Wanna talk about it?"

I opened my mouth to protest and she raised a brow. 'This is Haru-chan, so even if I protest she won't take no for an answer.' I put my hands in my pocket and went up to her. "Not much I can talk about. Not now anyways." She stared at me for a bit longer before sighing.

"I know you have secrets and that you have your reasons, but don't forget that I'm always here for you. Just don't keep pushing me away."

Boy did I feel I guilty. I truly do believe that what I'm doing is right thing to keep her and her father safe. "I can try Haru." She got up and smiled.

"Good now let's go."

I followed her up the stairs, and I as I was staring at her back I couldn't help but feel pain. 'Sorry Haru-chan, but keeping my distance is the only reason your life has been peaceful. I can't guarantee that the girl you knew as a child will still be here.'

Haruhi's POV

'She's been keeping everything to herself for the past 9 years. I can only imagine how hard it's been, but I hope she opens up.' I unlock the door and invite her in.

"Hasn't changed a bit. It's nice to be back," she said with a smile on her face. Though the smile genuine, it didn't reach her eyes. I don't even think she knows. "Yea, things are already hard so moving would be even moreso. Especially now that I attend Ouran."

A quick flash of flash of emotion appeared on her face, but it was too fast. She moved to go sit in the family room and I decided to prepare dinner and have a light conversation with her.

"Are they good to you?"

"What?" I was confused.

"The host club. Are they good to you?" She clarified.

I decided to make some tea and a few lights snacks to hold us off until dinner. "I thought you knew about them?"

"I only know their basic backgrounds, nothing of how they actually conduct themselves."

The snacks were prepared, and now I was waiting on the tea, which shouldn't take much longer. "You are starting to sound like Kyoya-senpai." I turned and brought everything to the table before sitting down. "They treat me well. It's always an adventure when I'm with them, and it's quite fun." I passed her a cup of tea and motioned to the snacks. "Why?" She drank some tea and took a moment before speaking.

"I told you that I would protect you when we were younger, and not only from my past."

I take a sip of my tea.'Why does she keep saying that?' I look long and hard into her eyes. 'I just want my best-friend back.'

(Y/N)'s POV

I silently pleaded that she drop the topic, but the look in her eyes says that I'm not getting away that easily.

"What are you protecting me from exactly? I mean things couldn't have been that bad."

I was shocked and I'm pretty sure my face said it all. "Haruhi do you remember what happened the last day you saw me?" I have a feeling I know what the cause was, but to be sure I need to see what she remembers.

"All I remember is you dragging me home. You looked so scared, but were trying to be strong. When we got here you told me you wouldn't be around for a while before leaving."

'I didn't think that when I said that I didn't want her to remember that it would come true. 'It's what I wanted, but why do I feel so hurt?' For a moment I actually reconsider not telling her, but if I did then everything I've done would've gone to waste. 'They still would've come after her either way.' Shadows are meant to stay hidden, much like secrets. "I'm sorry that I le-"

"Haruhi! I'm Home!"

Uncle Ran- I mean Ranka came bursting into the living room with so much energy it's scary. He gave Haru the most frightening hug I've ever seen. I try inching away silently. 'If I stay quiet then he won't notice, and I can escape deaths grip.' After releasing Haruhi from death his hug he looked around the room before noticing me. I swear my entire body locked up and prepared for the worst. I get what I deserve. 'I'm ready.'

That was a fucking lie!

I was not ready by any means!

This man tackled me to the fucking floor like a goddamn football player. Even though it was only a hug, I promise you I went into shock.

"(Y/N)! I missed you so much!" He yelled, no screamed into my ear. On top of that his grip was so hard that I couldn't breathe. 'Heh. Death by hug.'

"Dad you're killing her!"

'Didn't expect to go out like this.'

"Oh, Haruhi. I'm sure you're exagger-" He looked down and sure enough my soul was in the process of leaving my body. He immediately let go, and Haru walked over. She proceeded to shove my soul back inside. When she was successful she took her seat beside me.

"Oh my. I'm sorry dear. Are you okay?"

'No, I just saw deaths door.' I think I'm just now registering that it actually happened. After a moment or two I sit up and get my bearings. "It's nice to see you as well Ranka," I say in a daze. I smiled to show that it was sincere, and from the corner of my eye I saw Haru shaking her head.

"What happened to calling me me Uncle?" He pouted.

"It's been a while, so I didn't think you would want me to refer to you as such." He gave a solemn smile and shook his head.

"There's no need to be so formal. You know that you are always welcome here. You are family to us."

I had such conflicted feelings after hearing him say that. I felt my eyes get warm and tears start to build up. I lowered my head and turned away. I heard shuffling before arms were wrapped around me.

"(N/N) it's okay to cry," said Haruhi as she stroked my hair.

"You don't have to be strong here. Not with us."

I let it out. I cried for all of the pain I had to endure without them by side. The pain of my mother and brother, and having to face the world on my own. Everything that I held in got released, and it felt good. For the first time in a while it felt like everything was going to be fine.

This book has slow updates.Sorry about that.

 It's also posted on Quotev. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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