My first date

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I got ready really quickly. I don't know if I was excited or nervous but u kept fumbling my fingers. I sat down as Jihyun did my makeup. "Are you sure you don't want to do nothing with your hair?" Mimi asked. She loved downing hair as much as I love designing. "I'm sure. We're just going to dinner, not getting married" I said.

"That's what you think?" she said. The door opened and we looked to see who it was. Oppa. I smiled and said "Oppa. What do you think?"

"You look cut as always" he complimented. He called me cute. I giggled a bit and he said "What time were you suppose to meet him?"

"Eight. Why?"

"It's already 7:30."

"Already. Let's go girls."

"I have to use the bathroom. I'll show myself out" Jihyun said. I looked at Mimi to come with and she said she'll wait for her. I left the house and started walking to where I told Jinyoung to meet me. I got there with still time to spare. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my girlfriend" a guy said walking to me. Is he drunk? "Do I know you?"

"The bus stop. You were crying and I came over. Don't tell me you forgot" he said pretending to sound hurt "And I see you dressed up for me too" he said getting closer. I couldn't move back because I was against a wall. He got to the point where his face is close to mine. "Don't be scared baby. I'm right here."

"Get away from me" I said trying to push him back. He didn't even budge. Somebody help. Oppa, where are you? "What are you doing with my girlfriend?" a voice said. Oppa. He came. The guy turned from me to face him allowing me to see who it was. "Jinyoung-ssi" I said.

"Your girlfriend? She belongs to me" the pervert said.

"Think again. Sunni, you're coming" he said holding out his hand. You don't have to ask twice. I grabbed his hand and walked towards him. "I think the lady made her choice" he said and started walking. "You were amazing back there" I said to him.

"Really? Because I was nervous during the whole thing" he said while breathing heavily. I laughed a little at his silliness. Then, I realized we were still holding hands. I slowly pulled my hands away and said "Thanks for saving me."

"It was no problem. Do you still want to go on our date?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Never mind" he smiled as he took my hand again. When we arrived at the restaurant we took our seats. "Sunni? Haven't seen you here in a while" a waitress came to our table and said.

"Noona. Long time" I smiled at her.

"Are you two on a date?" she asked while pointing back and forth to Jinyoung then me. I nodded sheepishly and she said "Let me not be the third wheel. What can I get you?"

We ordered our food and she headed to the kitchen to deliver it. It was kind of quiet now between us. My phone beeped and I did "Sorry" as I checked it. It was a text from Mimi, I clicked on it and saw a picture of her, Jihyun, and Myungsoo. There was a caption with it 'We stayed back a bit to hang with L. He's so cute.'

'Don't you guys have to go home' I texted back.

'Not yet' she texted.

"Who was that?" Jinyoung asked.

"Mimi. It's nothing important" I said as I looked at the picture again. Oppa was staring at Jihyun again. I turned my phone off and asked "What are you majoring in?"

"Performing arts. I want to be a singer."

"What kind of music?"

"Upbeat, hip hop style."

I got another text. 'L oppa and Jihyun just exchanged numbers,' that felt like a punch to the heart. There was another one 'Now they're leaving together. I think they like each other.' Why would she do that to me? I felt my heart tighten as read it over. "You okay?" he asked.

"No. Something terrible just happened" I answered.

"What is it?"

"I think I just lost a best friend."

We left the restaurant after eating. I just want to go home right now. "Sorry if this evening isn't what you were expecting" I apologized.

"Is it weird that I liked it?" he smiled. We continued walking. When we got to my house we stood at the front door. "Thanks again" I said.

"I should be thanking you for giving me a chance. I'll see you tomorrow." I leaned and kissed him on the cheeks and went in. I guess Mimi left too. I was kind of hoping she had stuck around. I changed into shorts and a tank and laid in bed. I thought about the text and it just made me want to cry. He even managed to ruin my date. Why do I love him? Why does he make me feel every kind of emotion there is? "You're home" now I'm even hearing his voice. What's wrong with me? "Sunni. Sunni you awake" I opened my eyes and saw a half naked Myungsoo. "I thought you left with Jihyun" I did coldly. Why did it come out like that?

"How'd you know?"


"I just walked her home." Well then how come he didn't walk Mimi home too? "Did you have fun on your date?"

"Yeah" I lied "Jinyoung is just the best."

"Glad you had fun. Hope you don't mind but I asked Jihyun to go watch a movie with me tomorrow after school."

"I do mind. Jihyun's my friend. And I'm pretty sure she rather hang out with me than you."

"You have to design Infinite's clothes. Stop prolonging it."

At school I found Jihyun and said "Let's hang out tomorrow after school."

"Can't after school. I'm going to the movies. Maybe later."

"Come on. We don't hang out much lately. And are you really going to choose some guys over your best friend."

"Sorry Sunni" she said and walked away.

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