Chapter Two

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Chloey had been living with the Malfoys for about two weeks when one morning she woke up and met a smiling Narcissa.

"Chloey! Guess what? Your letter came this morning!" She jumped up and down. Chloey smiled too because it was the happiest she had ever seen her.

"You know what this means right?" Narcissa questioned.

"I'm a witch like you said I was?"

"Well, yes, but today is your birthday! June eighteenth." She smiled one more time before pulling a wrapoed box out of her pocket and handing it to Chloey.

"Oh my gosh I love it!" Chloey screamed before hugging Narcissa as tight as she could.

"What's going on?" A voice asked, and Narcissa pulled away, looking at her husband.

"I got my hogwarts letter which means that today is my birthday!" Chloey squealed before jumping up and down.

"That's...nice." Lucius drawled, glancing at the bracelet in Chloey' hand. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it when Draco sleepily walked into the kitchen.

"Morning mum, Chloey." He said before noticing Lucius. "Father."

Narcissa smiled at him before answering Lucius's unvoiced question. "For her birthday, I gave Chloey my mother's Black bracelet. Doesn't it look pretty on her?"

Draco nodded his head as Chloey smiled. Lucius gave a slight nod not really caring before saying, "Well, I need to go work at the Ministry now. I'll be home after dinner, don't bother waiting." (Not that they ever did wait, mind you. Once he went to work he didn't come back until it was late. But Chloey didn't mind as she didn't like him very much and she knew Lucius didn't like her very much.)

Once Lucius left, Narcissa told Chloey the story of her bracelet. "Before I married Lucius, I was a Black. Every female who is a Black gets a 'Black bracelet' as my sisters and I would call it. My mother had one, but once she passed on I got to keep it, but if any Black had a daughter before I did, then I would've given it to them. You're family now Chloey, so that's why I gave it to you. Bella, me, and Andy got one on our eleventh birthday. See?" Narcissa pulled up her sleeve and showed Chloey and Draco the bracelet on her wrist that matched the one on Chloey's.

"Thank you so much! I'll keep it forever!" Chloey sniffed, not used to having someone love her. No one had ever given her something that had so much meaning. She knew she would always treasure it.

"Hey Chloey! Do you want go outside and play quidditch with me?" Draco asked.

"Sure!" Chloey agreed, having learned of the game and loved it. She gave Narcissa another quick hug before running after Draco to the backyard.

July 31st

"Welcome to Diagon Alley." Narcissa told Chloey. She was amazed. There was a million colorful shops and people were everywhere!

"I will take Chloey." Narcissa said. "And I'll take Draco." Lucius said.
They went to went to Madam Malkins Robe shop and Draco and Lucius went to Ollivanders.

As soon as the girls walked through the door, Narcissa changed her attitude. She stuck her nose up in the air and walked in a prideful manner. When Madame Malkin went up to them, she spoke, but her voice was different.

Narcissa scoffed and commanded, "We need some new robes, and fast." Chloey was surprised, she didn't know Narcissa could be so snobby and rude.

Madame Malkins sniffed and had a sour look, but hurried away to find robes for Chloey. "Got to get you measured. Get up here!" Madame Milkin's annoyed voice called.

Chloey RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now