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While being alone I drank my gingerbread latte and read the last page of my book

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While being alone I drank my gingerbread latte and read the last page of my book. Then a handsome, brown-haired guy with a round glasses sat to the chair opposite me. I looked away and continued reading my book, but then I heard that he's ordering the same coffee as me. Chuckling at that coincidence, I looked at him again. I saw him pulling some thick, brown book with a pattern reminding skin off his bag. I was trying to decipher the title of the book, but a strange feeling of someone staring at me stopped me and I looked right into his sparkling hazel eyes. He was observing me, as I was slightly closing my eyes to read the title of the book.

"Do you need something?" He asked, smiling at me softly.

"No, I'm sorry. I was just trying to read the title of your book. " I said with a trembling voice. He put a bookmark between the sheets and turn it to show me the cover of the book. "I'm Hoseok by the way."

"I knew it seemed familiar! It's one of my favorites, I've read it about thousand times. You also like historical novels?"

We were talking for hours, and we still had a lot of topics to talk about. I felt like we know each other for years. But when he was telling me a joke about politics, my phone started loudly ringing, so I apologized and attached the phone to my ear.

"Where are you?! You should have been there more than twenty minutes ago!" My boss screamed at me loudly from the phone that I'm pretty sure Hoseok heard it. During that endless conversation, I totally lost the notion of time.

"I'm sorry Hoseok, I have to go," I said, grabbing my handbag and fastly running from the café.

When I was sitting in my boring work as a picture restorer with a coffee in one hand and a brush in the other, I realized that I didn't give Hoseok my phone number and I didn't even tell him my name. How is possible, that we discussed almost everything, but I didn't even tell him my name? How can he contact me now? Soulmates do not usually just fall out of the sky ... I have to find him if I want to be ever happy again.

Thinking about that, I couldn't focus on work and dipped my brush into my Turkish coffee, which I bought a few minutes ago in a local buffet. My colleagues started laughing like that never happened to them before.

Right after my shift has ended, I walked out of the building and went straight to the café to see if Hoseok is still there.

But he wasn't.

"Are you looking for that young man, you were with before?" The older waitress asked me curiously. Her grey hair was tied into a small bun, and she had significant wrinkles around her eyes. "He left about one hour ago, but he gave me this to hand you over."

It was a light brown bookmark with a short, handwritten quote on one side:
"If I had a flower for every time I thought about you, I could walk in my garden forever." It was a part of the book he read when we sat here together. When I turned the bookmark, I saw his phone number written on the other side. I was smiling like an idiot and I didn't care that the waitress was still silently watching me.

Please let me know, what do you guys think about it so far. And I'll highly appreciate every vote and comment.

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