• II •

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The sky was beginning to shroud in the dark, and reddish clouds started gradually appearing in the sky

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The sky was beginning to shroud in the dark, and reddish clouds started gradually appearing in the sky. I walked through the abandoned park, thinking if I'd call him or not. After all, he was the one who wrote me his number, so he probably wants me to call him.
I sat down on the nearest bench and took out my mobile phone from the back pocket to call Hoseok. But suddenly, I heard some barking dog is approaching me, so without any hesitation, I started to run out. After a while, I was too exhausted to continue, so I had to stop for a while to take a breath. Suddenly I felt something squeezing my leg lightly.
I looked down and saw a small white-brown puppy, trying to kill me.

"Mickey! Let her go!" Someone screamed out of nowhere. I looked toward the voice and saw Hoseok running against me and the beast, that was still chewing my leg.

"Does it hurt?" Hoseok asked me while trying to release me from the clasp of that cute demon.

"How can it hurt?" I said, chuckling at that ridiculous question.

He smiled at me too and grabbed the little monster into his arms, stroking his soft fur. "Are you always walking in the evenings through deserted places?"

"Always not, sometimes I just prefer a quiet, relaxing walk instead of squeezing in the bus."

"I understand you. Can I join? A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be alone outside this late."

Cheesy, but sweet.

I nodded, and we slowly began to walk to my house. All the way home we talked, just like last time in the café and I finally told him my name. "We're here!" I said when we stopped walking at the gate of our tiny house, behind which stood our dog Angel, who immediately barked aggressively when he saw Mickey.

"Are you serious?" Hoseok asked, and my happy looking face turned red as it made me a little bit upset.

"What's wrong? I know, that it's not some palace, but I feel comfortable there!"

"I didn't mean it like that... I think we're neighbors." When Hoseok finished the sentence I froze with my mouth open wide.

He's one of those annoying loud guys, who are still holding a party, not letting the whole neighborhood calmly watch TV, read nor sleep? It doesn't seem like him.

"How come I've never seen you before?"

"I moved there just a few weeks ago, my friends proposed me that I can live with them. Do you know them by chance?" Hoseok asked me and put his blue frozen hands in his dark green jacket pockets.

"I've heard about them, but I don't know them personally."

"Well, we should probably split up now, it's getting cold. Mickey's trembling. See you soon Y/N, sleep well."

While I was opening the gate, I turned to see Hoseok for the last time. He was waving me frantically, running behind his dog.

When I came home, I went to the kitchen for something to eat. But when I entered the dining room, I saw my mother sitting on the chair with her head down, sniveling into her lap. Her black hair was all disheveled and her mascara was flowing down her face.

"Mom, what happened?" I asked in horror and grabbed her hand as she began to pull her hair.

She wasn't answering me and didn't stop crying. While I tried to comfort her pointlessly, I noticed that she's holding a small piece of paper.

I took it from her and began to read the text that was written on that crumpled paper.

"I'll always remember the first day we met and all the sweet moments we had, but I don't love you anymore. Everything seemed perfect for the first months of our marriage, but then everything has changed. Do you remember the last time we went on a date? Held hands? What about sex? Do you remember the last time we kissed?
Because I don't.
I'm going to live without you as I planned for a really long time. Please tell our daughter, that I'll always love her."

I just want to say that English isn't my first language, so if you'll find any mistakes please be tolerant and tell me. Also, don't forget to vote and comment. 💜

Happy birthday to our sunshine! We love you. 💜

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