• III •

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Right after my mom fell asleep on that chair, with her head placed on the wooden table, I grabbed her by her tiny waist with one hand and put her hand around my neck with the other to put her on the couch

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Right after my mom fell asleep on that chair, with her head placed on the wooden table, I grabbed her by her tiny waist with one hand and put her hand around my neck with the other to put her on the couch. I covered her skinny body with a blanket and gave her a soft peck on her forehead. "We can live without him, I'll take care of you, mom," I whispered, switching off the lights of the living room.

I unlocked the main door, as I left for a short walk to get some fresh air. How can he leave us like that? When I was thinking about what happened, I suddenly stopped walking when I noticed a huge, neon light sign that read "BAR". Without any hesitation I walked in and sat on the nearest bar chair, waving to the cute bartender to notice me. "What can I get for you?" He asked and smiled at me while he was putting a glass of margarita to a woman in a short, red dress.

"I'll have a shot of vodka."

As time goes by, people were gradually leaving until I was all drunk left alone with the bartender.

After he cleaned up the bar, he was ready to leave. "Madam, you have to go. The bar should have been closed long ago."

I nodded, but as soon I tried to stand up, I fell on the floor and broke the glass, which I still held. The bartender grabbed my bloody hands and helped me to stand up from the floor, which was full of shards. He lied me down on three chairs, which were pressed against each other and took out a phone from my back pocket. He clicked on the first contact he saw and attached the phone to his year. "Hello Y/N, why are you calling me so late?" Hoseok responded when he picked up bartender's call.

"Hello, I'm a bartender at the bar on the Donhwamun street. Do you know the owner of this number? She's too drunk to get home by herself, please come, or I'll let her lay outside."

"I'll be there."

The bartender was waiting next to me, cursing to himself quietly. After fifteen minutes the door finally opened and Hoseok, who was wearing pajamas and a brown coat on top of it, entered the bar. My sight was a bit blurry, but I recognized him easily. "Oppa, take me home, the man next to me is scary," I said with a cute voice, pulling him by the sleeve of his coat.

We still could hear the bartender cursing while he was locking the door behind us, as we walked to Hoseok's car. He helped me to sit down in the seat next to him and carefully fastened my seatbelt. "Why did he call me all of the people? Did you tell him to call me?" Hoseok asked while listening to Energy by Drake.

"No, but I wanted to see you, Oppa. I'm glad he called you," I said while biting my lower lip, stroking his inner thigh.

Hoseok just smiled, showing his cute, little dimples and pulled my hand away. "You shouldn't do that, or you'll regret it."

"Can you walk now? Do you want me to accompany you to your house?" He asked when he parked in front of my house.

"No, I can't return home drunk like that! My mom has a lot of problems at the moment, I don't want her to feel even worse! What to do?!" I yelled at him with saliva flowing out of my mouth.

He grabbed my hurt hand and led me on the sidewalk until we reached the door of his enormous house, which was right opposite ours. Before we entered the house, he told me. "You can stay here for tonight and you'll return home early in the morning. But please be quiet, because I don't know how would I explain to my roommates, that I brought a drunk girl into my room."

"Come on... you should trust me at least a little bit. I'll be quiet as a mouse, I promise," I said, slapping his back friendly.

When he unlocked the door, and we quietly walked to his room around the glassed table, I suddenly stubbed my toe. "Fuuu-!" I screamed from the bottom of my lungs, but Hoseok immediately covered my mouth with his large palm and quieted me. But he was late, I woke up the whole house. We were surrounded by his roommates, which were observing us with sleepy eyes, all dressed in colorful pajamas with cute characters on it.

"Who is she?" The mint-haired guy asked, yawning and covering his mouth with his hands.

Please, give this chapter a lot of love. ❤

Also, I would like to say thanks to @innocentseok for helping me improve my writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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